I had traveled on a train before in the US and hated how slow it was and how many stops there were.
As a friend, we're there on the sidelines trying to help them but they are so blind to their surroundings and so set in their ways that they are like a run away train that nothing can slow down.
Eventually, your senses overloaded, you feel the train slow as you close on your destination, the port of Prince Rupert, a looming silhouette of cranes tacked with red lights.
On the train ride up, I opened the book and out fell a bookmark from a Rome bookshop where I had worked for a while after college and where I had first read “Watermark” on a slow afternoon.
在前往威尼斯的火车上,我打开那本《Watermark》,从中掉出了一张书签,是我大学毕业以后在罗马的一家书店工作的那阵子得到的。 也正是在那家书店,一个悠闲的下午,我第一次读到了《Watermark》。
The New York governor, Andrew Cuomo, said the train was travelling at a "fairly slow speed" when it failed to stop on time and struck a buffer at the station.
Previous trips on the slow-speed train between Beijing and Shanghai took as long as 13 hours, he said. Some high-speed services make the trip in as little as four hours and 48 minutes.
Previous trips on the slow-speed train between Beijing and Shanghai took as long as 13 hours, he said. Some high-speed services make the trip in as little as four hours and 48 minutes.