Remote-controlled machines smash the sulfide deposits, which are then hoovered up through a riser pipe to a vessel on the surface.
What it says on each small flat piece — it says that the line integral along say, for example, this curve is equal to the flux of a curl through this tiny piece of surface.
The animals are renowned locally for bursting through the surface as they prey on seals.
Restaurant versions usually come in a clay or iron pot, with about 100 chilis floating on the surface of the bright red broth, and a few pieces of beef poking through.
On the surface of the shelf, rows of melt ponds settled into natural crevasses, driving the cracks all the way through the ice shelf.
A plasmon is an electronic surface wave that rolls through the sea of conduction electrons on a metal.
Water on the land surface appears in shades of dull green, and a temporary river runs north-south through the image.
A SPACE probe plunges its way through Titan's atmosphere and lands safely on the surface. Over a billion kilometres away here on Earth, a machine fills a bag of potato crisps.
In fact, people on the spectrum often see through such surface appearances to discover the real person.
Before 2000, the ice on Antarctica is thought to have been roughly in balance overall, with new snowfall balancing ice lost through surface melt and icebergs.
We would learn how to create a reflection on a metal surface through the use of the Clone Stamp tool and a lot more like softening the images contrast but still leaving the edges sharp.
After two decades, 95 percent of the elemental mercury on the surface of a filling had gone through a chemical reaction. It became beta-mercury sulfide, a black-colored solid.
经过了20年的光阴,旧填充物表面有95%的汞元素已经发生了化学反应,它变成了黑辰砂(beta - mercury sulfide),一种黑色的固体。
An ocean wave passing through deep water causes a particle on the surface to move in a roughly circular orbit, drawing the particle first towards the advancing wave.
Slide the small piece of cardboard in the flat bag, so you have a surface to cut on without cutting through the other side of the bag.
There is no air on the Moon to transmit sound waves, but “you could play it through the dust and see what it sounds like when you play it right on the surface,” Mr.
But the company also confirmed that efforts to collect oil from the surface of the water had been temporarily placed on hold due to Hurricane Alex, which is currently passing through the region.
This time, Cassini's instrument had the chance to "smell" that oxygen, as it flew through it over Rhea's north pole, just 97 kilometres above the surface, according to the details given on
On our way back there was one short stretch of the freeway, near Valley Ford, that was shallowly flooded (we saw the road surface below the water), so we had no difficulty passing through.
Cobra: Cobra is my code name, which stands for compression breakthrough and compression breakthrough is the moment when the light breaks through on the surface of the planet.
From 1968 to 1985, he served on surface ships of the Pacific Fleet, where he went through all the ranks from co of a combat unit to a large unit co.
An ocean wave passing through deep water causes a particle on the surface to move in a roughly circular orbit.
The carbon dioxide enters the plants through tiny holes or pores on the surface of leaves.
On the basis of calcuiation and experience, through side-bending test, test piece's extensibility is relative small, and its weld surface after processed is unaffected by the piece's surface quality.
The magnetic memory method, through examining the leakage magnetic field on the surface of the parts, can effectively find out the defects in fillet joints, which can diminish the leakage.
Plenty of oxidation etching pits are found on the surface of the specimen after the thermal fatigue test, and the surface principal crack is prone to propagate through these etching pits.
Plenty of oxidation etching pits are found on the surface of the specimen after the thermal fatigue test, and the surface principal crack is prone to propagate through these etching pits.