On the View TAB, under Advanced Settings, scroll down to select Use check boxes to select items.
For example, when you're viewing a list of your text messages, if you click on one, the top bar gets a left arrow TAB at the top that takes you back a view to the message list.
Right-click on the image and ‘Open in new tab’ to view it full size.
For example, the RDA tab (found on the upper left side ofthe screen) gives one access to an expanding tree-view of the RDArules.
比如RDA的标签 (屏幕的左上方)可以提供RDA规则的树状显示。
Move to the J2C page of the configuration editor by clicking on the J2C TAB near the bottom of the view.
单击视图底部附近的J2 C选项卡转到配置编辑器的j2c页。
To preview the packages before you bind them, go to the SQL tab of the pureQuery outline view and click on the potential package.
You can view the content of the buy message by clicking the Data tab on the rfhutil utility, as shown in Figure 12.
您可以通过单击rfhutil实用工具上的Data选项卡查看Buy消息的内容,如图 12 所示。
More general options for building projects are available when you go into the C/C++ Projects View, select your project, and right-click and select Properties on the Build Settings tab.
当进入C/C++Projects视图,选择您的项目,单击鼠标右键并在BuildSettings选项卡上选择Properties 之后,就可以使用更多的用于构建项目的常用选项。
You can read more about these choices in the "Notices" view in the Fix List database on the Web or on the What's New TAB.
要阅读更多有关这些选项的内容,可以查看Web或What ' snew选项卡上的补丁列表数据库中的“Notices”视图。
In the view below the editor, the Execution Status TAB is selected and on the right part of the view, you can see the table output of the last operator, that is, the Target table operator.
Then click on the package TAB to view the properties of the package as shown in Figure 8.
Much like adding XPath expressions on if and Else if refinements, you can add a condition on a single transform using the condition TAB within the Properties view.
Once in the Source editor, you can likewise click on the Process tab to return to the tree view.
The Advanced TAB in the properties view now shows properties of the selection on the class diagram in read-only format.
To apply a profile, select the model (package) in Project Explorer or on a diagram (if it is present there) and navigate to the Profiles TAB in the Properties view, as shown in Figure 17.
On the Details TAB of the Properties view for the Assign, enter a colon (:) character in the value field (Figure 15).
Type your queries in the upper pane, click on the green arrow in the upper left corner to run them, and view your output in the lower pane or in the separate Query Results tab.
这时将出现如 图 3 所示的窗口。在上面的面板中输入查询,单击左上角的绿色箭头运行该查询,然后可以在下面的面板中或者在 “QueryResults”选项卡中查看输出。
To apply a stereotype, select the modeling element in Project Explorer or on a diagram, and navigate to the Stereotypes tab in the Properties view, as shown in Figure 19.
要应用一个原型,在项目浏览器或图表中选择模型元素,并在属性视图中导航到Stereotypes 标签页,如图 19 所示。
An import wizard that is accessible by right-clicking on a performance report in the performance Test Runs view (Figure 13) or on the resources report, which is the last TAB in the view.
The correlation information is defined in the editor by clicking on the background of the state machine and selecting the correlation TAB under the Properties view (see Figure 3).
JSP is displayed in the main edit panel by clicking on the correct TAB, and that the Design view is selected.
点击正确的选项卡以确保CaliforniaHighwayTraffic ConditionsView . jsp被显示在主编辑面板中,而且Design视图被选择。
On the h:secret tab of the attributes view go to the Value field and press the button to the right of the field.
Navigational state represents information which is specific to the current view on the portlet (for example, a selected TAB).
View the Phases and Iterations for the project on the Plans TAB.
On the Design TAB, drag the search object from the Page Data view onto the Typeahead helper button next to the input field, as shown in Figure 9.
The metaclasses being extended by the stereotype are specified on the Extensions tab in the Properties view.
元类被原型所扩展,是在属性视图Extensions 标检页完成的。
Type your queries in the upper pane, click on the green arrow in the upper left corner to run them, and view your output in the lower pane or in the separate "Query results" TAB.
在上面的面板中输入查询,单击左上角的绿色箭头运行查询,然后在下面的面板或“Queryresults ”标签页中查看输出。
Then, enable security by checking the enable security box on the Authorizations TAB in the Properties view, as shown in Figure 8.
While the Type of room required field is selected in the form's designer view, click on the Data TAB in the details window.
如果Type ofroomrequired在表单设计者视图中是选中的,在细节窗口单击data选项卡。
Be sure to click on the design TAB located just below the window displaying ChooseLayout.jsp to get it into design view, which shows the content that the JSP will display in a browser.
请确保单击正好位于显示ChooseLayout .jsp的窗口下面的design选项卡以将ChooseLayout . jsp放入design视图,它显示jsp将在浏览器中显示的内容。