As you read this, you are likely aware of what time it is, how old you are, your checking account balance, your weight, and so on.
This question remains unanswered; indeed, taking all the evidence into account, one cannot make a definitive statement about dinosaur physiology on the basis of dinosaur bone.
Password changes on this service account and the retirement of this service account will affect both applications.
GPS receivers make corrections to account for this, but nonetheless the clock signals are only guaranteed to be correct on the order of 100 nanoseconds.
This optimization also takes account of the fact that attribute nodes are not actually materialized on the tree unless they are required.
On the Network Credentials page, type the user name, password, and user domain of the user account you want to use for this operation, and then click next.
在Net workCredentials页面上,键入您想用于这个操作的用户帐户的用户名、密码和用户域,然后单击next。
On the Network Credentials page, type the user name, password, and user domain of the user account you want to use for this operation and then click next.
在Net workCredentials页面上,键入您想用于该操作的用户帐户的用户名、密码和用户域。
This tutorial requires a user account on any UNIX-based system that has a recent copy of Emacs installed.
This is from a 2002 eWeek "hunch" post, the last time that Mac tablets seemed "inevitable", mostly on account of Apple's rival Microsoft, and its over-hyped promotion of all things tablety
In other words, on the Encina server side, you should have created a user account and modified the ACL of the interface to add execute permissions to this user.
My sample script creates one user mapping for the "saracco" account; on the remote Oracle system, this ID will be mapped to "demo" with a password of "demopwd".
我的示例脚本为 "saracco"帐户创建了一个用户映射;在远程Oracle系统上,这个ID将被映射到带有密码 "demopwd" 的 "demo" 用户。
Field access join points correspond to reads and writes of fields; in this case, an assignment of the name field that is made on the Account class.
字段访问连接点对应着字段的读和写;在这个例子中,在Accoun t类上对name字段进行了赋值。
So much have I felt this, that when I met with annoyance on account of the same I tied up my face in a bandage as long as people would believe in it.
I saw that there was another account of a house on this same street on your site and I'm curious to know if they lived in the same house as we did.
If you adjust their lifetime fertility rate to take account of this bulge of babies on arrival, you find immigrant fertility is about 2.2, not much above average.
Karen believed that this was all on account of the red shoes, but the old lady thought them hideous, and so they were burnt.
Remember that this article wasn't an account of any actual previous project I worked on, although it was based on my experience on actual projects.
How about this? From now on we'll put all your salary into our savings account and set aside 20% of my salary as Daniel's education fund.
This account of the meeting is based on interviews with participants, White House aides and others familiar with the gathering.
This is already happening in Spain and will put intense pressure on the savings Banks, which account for about half of the banking system.
The use of partitioning features on the base table does not need to take into account whether MQTs will be built upon this table.
This pattern could be used where multiple instances of a service provider are hosted in different geographical centres and the appropriate service is selected based on account details.
This is the Rue Platriere, now called Rue Jean-Jacques Rousseau, on account of a singular household which lived in it sixty years ago.
After a week, he returned with more carnations, this time on account of the fact that he had, before the abortion, established a habit of bringing her flowers once a week.
The account on your secondary server that runs your DB2 database has a UID of 400. This is a serious problem.
运行DB 2数据库的辅助服务器上的帐户的UID为400,这将是一个严重问题。
But before all this, they will lay hands on you and persecute you. They will deliver you to synagogues and prisons, and you will be brought before Kings and governors, and all on account of my name.
But before all this, they will lay hands on you and persecute you. They will deliver you to synagogues and prisons, and you will be brought before Kings and governors, and all on account of my name.