"Let's forget about it and move on to the good stuff, " more voices echoed in agreement.
As with many of the skin-healthy foods on our list, the good stuff in nuts — especially almonds — has to do with antioxidant activity.
You can do lots of things to get a good connection going with your teacher. First, do the obvious stuff: show up for class on time, with all assignments completed.
It's a good idea to practice the steps of a stall recovery on less challenging terrain first, before having to strut your stuff when it really counts.
Focus on the good stuff, and remember the rest is going to be a distant memory very quickly.
The good news for Amazon is that tablet users seem moreinclined to splash out on stuff than web shoppers who use PCs, according toForrester, another research firm.
While Microsoft's big Windows Phone 7 was surprising, we kind of expected it to deliver on the good stuff.
I think Scala is a really great language and I'm always on the lookout of good stuff to steal from it.
That should be exciting, but the team is holding back the good stuff until February 2011, wanting to analyse and follow up on the early observations themselves.
The good news for Amazon is that tablet users seem more inclined to splash out on stuff than web shoppers who use PCs, according to Forrester, another research firm.
The good news for Amazon is that tablet users seem more inclined to splash out on stuff than web shoppers who use PCs, according to Forrester, another research firm.