Planning a vacation with your own home as "home base" can relieve a lot of stress and be a little easier on the bank account.
If you continue to test Scitter, you'll want to create your own "test" account on Twitter.
While there aren't too many alternatives to using hosted services for short links, we did come across two self-hosted solutions that you can install on your own hosting account: and Shorty.
尽管使用托管服务来压缩网址的替代方案并不多,但是我们还是找到两个自己托管的解决方案,你可以在自己的主机帐号上安装这两个网址压缩服务:z.i ps . me和Shorty。
You agree to use our backups on your own risk and you are responsible for having a backup of your account at any time.
By getting a special account on a Web server through your ISP, you can publish your own Web pages for others to view.
If the stock market plunges and you own shares on margin, you could receive a margin call from your broker, asking that you add more cash or securities to your account.
If the stock market plunges and you own shares on margin, you could receive a margin call from your broker, asking that you add more cash or securities to your account.