Doctors could one day use a blood test to predict decades in advance when women will go into menopause, scientists say.
More than one million women in Britain are unemployed, with Numbers growing by around 500 a day.
One day, they stumbled into a harem tent filled with over 100 beautiful women.
The workers, almost all women, get one day off a month, the day after payday so they can send money home.
Researchers in Japan found that women who consumed one or more eggs a day were more likely to die than women who ate one or two eggs a week.
The recent revelation that even one small glass of wine a day increases the risk of breast cancer was greeted with scorn by many women.
Drinking alcohol can raise blood pressure (though no one knows exactly why). If you drink, do so moderately—that means one drink a day for women, two drinks for men.
A little over half of the women (56%) and a third of the men had less than one alcoholic drink a week, while 4% of women and 5% of men consumed at least one drink every day.
According to an old Niigata prefecture legend, Ouni appeared one day to a group of women as they were spinning hemp into yarn.
The latest research found that individuals who drank more than two standard drinks a day for men and one drink a day for women were particularly at risk of alcohol-related cancers.
One day, hanging around in a bar waiting to be served, she noticed that none of the beer line-up was aimed at women.
Those women who drank five or more cups a day had a 57 per cent reduced risk of breast cancer compared with those who drank less than one cup a day.
Japanese women with environmental concerns close to their hearts may one day be able to wear a bra which can carry their own personal chopsticks to cut down on waste.
Given that it is only since 1917 that ordination has been a requirement for cardinals, might we one day see further changes that bring women into that level of service in the Church?
The World Health Organization estimates that about fifteen hundred pregnant women die each day, or about one a minute.
Women who drink one large glass of wine a day, which means 21 units of alcohol a week compared with the recommended 15, increase this by a.
However, this new study shows that women who drink even just one cup a day can lower their risk of gout by 22 percent.
Flip-flops are one of the most popular shoes among women, with 15million wearing them a day in summer, according to shoe firm MBT which obtained the figures.
Breast feeding women must include a generous serving of at least one good source of zinc in their diet each day.
There was a group of young women in a year to select one day special do good, think selected Thanksgiving is the most appropriate but.
The employees are putting to death one-day old chickens with tears. "it's as if a mother killed her child", - poultry-women explain their feelings.
Women, who a generation ago spent a fraction under two hours a day cooking, now spend just one hour and seven minutes – a dramatic fall, but they still spend far more time at the hob than men.
Even the size of the cup is variable, so it does no real good to say that pregnant women should limit their intake to a cup per day because interpretations of one cup vary.
Conversely, women who ate at least one fatty dairy food a day were 27 percent less likely to have this problem.
These women had a 33 percent lower odds of having verbal memory declines and 18 percent lower odds of having visual and spatial memory declines, compared to women who drank one cup or fewer per day.
Women in the study who said they ate one serving of poultry per day had a 19% lower risk of heart disease.
Women in the study who said they ate one serving of poultry per day had a 19% lower risk of heart disease.