Only one defragment operation is allowed on a partition at a time.
The effect of this is that if an event handler implements a request-response operation, then only one instance of such an event handler may be active at any point in time.
If you enter a number of resizing and moving operations into GParted and the operation fails, you can try entering just one operation at a time and then immediately clicking the Apply button.
During an export operation, row-level locking is applied to the exporting table, which means that only one lock is held at a time.
The command performs multiple configuration and operation actions that roll out the updated application to one target node at a time, completing these steps for each node in the cluster.
Whether a country should adopt separated operation or mixed one should depend on the conditions of the country at that time.
The generalized eigenvector shows the relation between operation parameters and the values of work condition for a boiler, at the same time, one kind of particular pollution pattern is presented.
We began selling rice cookers from one small shop in Taipei. At that time, we were strictly a mom-and-pop operation.
In some implementations, the individual pages may be divided into segments and the segments may contain the fewest number of elements that are written at one time as a basic programming operation.
In some implementations, the individual pages may be divided into segments and the segments may contain the fewest number of elements that are written at one time as a basic programming operation.