He described the referendum as a one-horse race.
The favourite to win this year was a horse called I Want Revenge, but on race morning he turned up with a “hot spot” in one ankle and was scratched from the race.
"There is a horse race between the economic recovery doing its job and lower-quality properties heading for obsolescence," says one regulator.
He doesn't tell you that the other bettor chose the two horses in the race, and picked one horse with no chance of winning.
Although there was only one event-a running race-other events were added in later years. Men competed in chariot racing, wrestling, boxing, horse - riding, and many kinds of running RACES.
Although there was only one event-a running race-other events were added in later years. Men competed in chariot racing, wrestling, boxing, horse-riding, and many kinds of running RACES.
当时只有一个比赛项目- - -赛跑,后来才加入了其他的项目,有赛战车、摔跤、拳击、赛马以及各种形式的赛跑。
As one guy put it: "You can't win a horse race if you think you look funny on a horse."
The deacon's horse was a good one, but he was not accustomed to hauling freight in a race.
A man came in a close second after powering over 35.4 km, 2 rivers and 3 mountains - one a 500 altitude - during the annual Man Versus Horse race in central Wales on June 14.
Encircle the ground as a result of domestic SNS horse race on one hand nevertheless , each does things in his own way, have oneself target multitude, absolutely leader did not appear on the market;
Encircle the ground as a result of domestic SNS horse race on one hand nevertheless , each does things in his own way, have oneself target multitude, absolutely leader did not appear on the market;