I know, there are lots of successful one-person startups, but there are even more failed one-person startups.
The members of the club can rotate and one person can do all the preparation for the evening.
A statue which is aesthetically pleasing to one person, however, may be repulsive to another.
Five people died in the explosion and more than one thousand were injured. One person is still missing.
One person might win it in chemistry because the disciplines weren't as diverse as they are today.
Sid, there's only one person in this town mean enough to do that, and that's you.
Brother New York and Brother Michigan are one person, both Napoleon, and he is divided into two.
It takes about 7 to 8 trees to make enough O2 for one person to breathe for a year.
The company Jackie chose planned to employ only one person, but more than twenty people applied for the job.
We normally get one person or no more than a small group of people in there watching a video together.
They were starting to replace live orchestras in some movie theaters, and it only takes one person to play an organ.
If our birthday is coming soon, do you wish that at least one person could congratulate you with a beautiful card then?
To most people, such a home base, in the literal sense, needs more than one person for sustenance and in generational extension.
One person must prepare for it with the same tenacity and quickness as one does for a fencing tournament or a chess match.
Another, discussing national politics, said, "I feel like one person can't do that much, and I get the impression most people don't think a group of people can do that much."
The reasons for Disney's success are quite a lot, but ultimately the credit belongs to one person—the man who created the cartoon and built the company from nothing, Walt Disney.
For one person, the goal may be to be taken more seriously and enhance their professional image.
Another myth about eyes is that they can be replaced, or transferred from one person to another.
For example, in Japan, one person fell into a lake and another got her leg stuck in a hole, because both had their mind on their phone.
It's been scientifically proven that three people will be better than one at solving problems, even if that one person is the smartest person in the field.
As one person ironically put it in the comments section of Schwartz's online article, "As I was reading this very excellent article, I stopped at least half a dozen times to check my email."
Heart transplants were once considered immoral–how could you open the chest cavity of one person and transplant the heart into the body of another person?
Similarly, the need to learn a new language and customs may excite one person and frighten another.
One person in the group should be prepared to report back to the class on your discussion.
In a world full of cynicism she was the one person I felt I could trust.
Friendships are not made in a day, and the computer would be more acceptable as a friend if it simulated the gradual changes that occur when one person is getting to know another.
Word of mouth advertising happens when one person tells another about a good experience with a product or service.
The payroll survey can easily double-count someone: if you are one person with two jobs, you show up as two workers.
It also varies within any one person according to his purpose in reading and his familiarity with the text.
It also vaies within any one person according to his purpose in reading and his familiarity with the text.