He writes her constantly but gets no reply; it's a case of one-sided love.
This assumes, of course, that you are having a relationship with someone who loves you, and not a one-sided love affair with someone who isn't interested.
Rather than being a one-sided manifesto that lets men off the hook, Dr Love says her book is a plea for both genders to respect one another’s insecurities.
Those of us who fall in love alone. We are the victims of the one-sided affair. We are the cursed of the loved ones.
Millions of girls love sports too, and rooting for the same team is great, but don't make your passion into a one-sided one .
Used to the one-sided quality of love, even when making unreasonable demands on others these people act in a very self-righteous manner.
Love calls for communication, not one-sided speculation.
One sided attractions are likely. Secret love affairs may be enticing; however, you must be prepared for the restraints that will follow.
白羊座: 本周白羊的吸引力有可能诱发出风流韵事来,但是千万要尽力克制住它的发生啊。
The relationship between science and art has long been that of one-sided enthusiasm. That is, scientists love art while artists reject science.
The relationship between science and art has long been that of one-sided enthusiasm. That is, scientists love art while artists reject science.