Amid the current concerns about the federal deficit, reaching toward the stars seems a dispensable luxury—as if saving one-thousandth of a single year's budget would solve our problems.
A millivolt is one-thousandth of a volt.
A millimeter is one-thousandth of a meter.
One nanosecond is equal to one-thousandth of one-millionth of one second.
For typical machine part, maximum dimension changes are of only a one-thousandth of the part length.
Chakrabarti says her method should work for satellites as small as one one-thousandth the mass of the host galaxy.
Add in lawyers and people in real estate, and we're talking about more than 70 percent of the lucky one-thousandth.
But the weaving of these yarns, which may be only one-thousandth of a millimetre thick, is complicated and expensive.
A couple of prior studies have evaluated smaller scale systems, about one-thousandth the size, focusing on their economics.
These high-energy gamma rays, detected by Fermi’s Large Area Telescope (LAT), have wavelengths one-thousandth the size of an atomic nucleus.
These high-energy gamma rays, detected by Fermi's Large Area Telescope (LAT), have wavelengths one-thousandth the size of an atomic nucleus.
As if that were not enough of an impact, sunscreens increasingly contain nanoparticles, smaller than one one-thousandth the diameter of a human hair.
In an ultracapacitor, the distance between the ions and opposite-charged electrode is so tiny it's measured in nanometers (one-thousandth of a micron).
The work still has a long way to go, though. The transmission only successfully received one one-thousandth of the total power sent, a very low efficiency.
A large fraction of the top 1 percent's gains have actually gone to an even smaller group, the top 0.1 percent - the richest one-thousandth of the population.
Most people don't realize it, because they're invisible, but microbes make up about a half of the Earth's biomass, whereas all animals only make up about about one one-thousandth of all the biomass.
The light, about one thousandth of the amount needed to read by, is just a start.
A micrometer is one thousandth of one millimeter.
This was not the first synthetic virus — a polio virus had been made a year before — but it was only one ten-thousandth as active and it took three years to do.
In contrast, the colorful auroras that light up the skies at high latitudes are powered by particles with less than one thousandth as much energy.
The planet blocked about a ten-thousandth of its star's light, "like if you had 10,000 light bulbs and take one away," Batalha said.
Kepler 10 - b在围绕恒星运转时会遮挡恒星千分之一的光芒,举个例子来说,就好像你从一万多个灯泡中取走一个。
New analyses of chlorine in those rocks, published Aug. 5 in Science, indicate that the moon contains just one-ten-thousandth to one-hundred-thousandth the water that the Earth's interior does.
If there are sets of probability of HIV infection, transmission probability of only 10 one ten thousandth!
We still do not know one thousandth of one percent of what nature has revealed to us.
A unit of radioactivity equal to one thousandth of a Curie.
A metric unit of length equal to one thousandth of a meter.
A unit of angular distance equal to one thousandth of a milliradian.
And the ejection into ambient gas of one thousandth atmosphere or so is special, the 'snowplow' phenomenon is observed and the plume plasma splits into fast_ and slow_moving parts.
In decoding, the one thousandth quantized table is reconstructed to rebuild the original image.
In decoding, the one thousandth quantized table is reconstructed to rebuild the original image.