One-to-one relationship or NULL field for optional column?
A one-to-one relationship needs to be included between the user and subscription models.
What you’ve done here is to define a simple one-to-one relationship between objects of the two classes.
Family doctors: maintain one-to-one relationship with patients. Mostly through outpatient office visits.
You can have a one-to-one relationship between a single unit of your content or a one-to-many relationship.
If B has a navigation reference property to a (one-to-one relationship) it will assign a to this property.
A one-to-one relationship is created if both of the related columns are primary keys or have unique constraints.
In a one-to-one relationship, a row in table a can have no more than one matching row in table b, and vice versa.
Also an Oracle instance can only have a one-to-one relationship with a database, while in DB2 this is not the case.
而且,Oracle实例与数据库只能是一对一的关系,而在DB 2中却不是这样。
Another type of mapping is when a table might have a one-to-one relationship but your object model only has one object.
There exists one-to-one relationship between the sequence structure element's size and the space scale of geography entity.
"If you sustain growth, you will also sustain poverty reduction, because it's basically a one-to-one relationship," says Karlsson.
In one-to-one relationships, the container automatically replaces the old relationship if you change one side of that relationship.
A one-to-one relationship was established between proxy and invoker objects, with the explicit interface being the common association.
An arrow leading from Band to ContactInfo is marked with a 1 on the ContactInfo side, indicating a one-to-one relationship between the two classes.
This means that your server is constantly "moving" on the Internet and it messes up the one-to-one relationship between domain names and IP addresses.
JAX-RPC requires that a service-specific exception have a constructor equipped with parameters in a one-to-one relationship with all gettable properties.
JAX - RPC要求,具体服务的异常拥有一个构造函数,该构造函数的参数与所有的可获得的属性是一对一的关系。
For the French, friendship is one-to-one relationship that demands a keen awareness of the other person's intellect, temperament, and particular interests.
NET MVC, controllers define action methods that usually have a one-to-one relationship with possible user interactions, such as clicking a link or submitting a form.
Coded character set a set of unambiguous rules that establishes a character set and the one-to-one relationship between each character of the set and its bit representation.
In this model, we use an entity bean named PBUser which represents a user in the Personal Budget database. PBUser has one-to-one relationship reference with the following entity beans.
The worker was bound to the master by a mutual contract that either one could repudiate, and the relationship was conceptualized as one of partnership.
The relationship between these types of objects is one-to-many, where each policy can have one or more route objects.
To create a relationship from one CMP to another you simply need to select one of the EJB relationship actions form the editor's palette.
In the face of such contradictions and obscurities must we conclude that there is no relationship between the opinion one has about life and the act one commits to leave it?
In Figure 14, notice that the annotation describing the cardinality of the relationship is now One-to-One.
This is called a one-to-many relationship: one airline can have many trips associated with it.
This is called a one-to-many relationship: one airline can have many trips associated with it.