One afternoon I saw ants coming out in huge Numbers.
Then during a light jog one afternoon I became light headed and fell to the ground.
I was worried about it until I met a man in a cafe one afternoon in Newark, in northeast Arkansas.
One afternoon I toured an art museum while waiting for my husband to finish a business meeting.
One afternoon I picked up a fallen leaf from the sugar maple in our yard. Up close it was yellow, with splashes of red.
One afternoon in the spring of 2009, I was marking midterms in my tiny garret office at Columbia University when the phone rang.
One afternoon I walked all the way down Las Vegas Boulevard, and after a few miles I found myself smack dab in the middle of nothing.
One afternoon I watch firefighters practice underwater rescues there. They emerge shining like seals in their wet suits and talking of a leviathan.
One afternoon I found Petey lying on his bed with an expression of such distress on his face that I immediately diagnosed appendicitis. "Don't move," I said, "Don't take a laxative."
One afternoon I was standing near the front of this display and two older Chinese gentlemen in blue jackets stopped to watch this curious display of the Chinese speaking, redheaded foreigner.
One afternoon, I went into an art museum while waiting for my husband. I hoped to enjoy the works of art quietly.
I needed to talk to you about the medieval history test you know, the one scheduled for Friday afternoon.
I couldn't have been much older than five or six as I sat with my father one afternoon, enjoying ice cream.
One afternoon when I was in primary school, I was walking by the school playground.
When I picked up my son from preschool one recent summer afternoon, he looked dirty from head to foot.
This time, when he came one afternoon, I actually felt glad to see him, and welcomed him cordially.
One afternoon he came to see me while I was by the pool and noticed that a female guest was sunbathing topless.
One Saturday afternoon last winter, I drove north on Route 85 through the rolling rangeland of southeastern Wyoming.
One afternoon, at the writing workshop in gomez Palacio, a boy asked me why I wrote poetry and how long I thought I would go on doing it.
So on one rainy afternoon, I was bored and was looking for something that contained the chemicals I had identified.
One afternoon while out on a walk I thought of the old saying "take time to stop and smell the roses" and I did just that.
It was one of the best games I've ever seen, but like a lot of people, I had some questions about Phoenix's strategy throughout the afternoon.
I'd cadged here, dabbled there, mainly at night, over a drink, until finally one day, I had to face facts: it was the middle of the afternoon, and I was gasping.
One fine afternoon I was walking along Fifth Avenue, when I remembered that it was necessary to buy a pair of socks.
Then, one afternoon, I came home from school to find my mom sitting at the dining room table waiting to talk to me.
Then, one afternoon, I came home from school to find my mom sitting at the dining room table waiting to talk to me.