Diop is quick to point out that basketball is only one aspect of life that he teaches.
The Wu Fu did not usually talk about the sense of aesthetic value, but one aspect of life can Glimpse scholars.
At the same time, a lack of integrity in one aspect of life does not necessarily mean there will be a lack in other aspects of life.
For if I taught one aspect of life to you, it will not apply as directly as I had intended no matter how simple and direct the instructions were.
Yet, we all know that supply of provisions and clothing is only one aspect of life; man's demand on life is many-sided. Higher the civilization, higher is man's psychological aspiration.
You shouldn't have to sacrifice one aspect of your life for another.
When you think of work as part of a full life and a complete experience, it becomes easier to see that success in one aspect often supports another.
Yet, there is one aspect of Agile doesn't apply to our daily lives - "life is a marathon, not a sprint"!!
Being a daughter, wife, or mother is one aspect of your life. It doesn't define who you are as a woman.
Connect with who you are — Being a daughter, wife, or mother is one aspect of your life. It doesn't define who you are as a woman.
No one can deny the fact that one person's education is the most important aspect of his life.
Another Internet success story Johny b. Truant summarized the idea of focusing on one thing in life this way: "Carving out one aspect of yourself and saying" this is who I am "is dumb."
No one can deny the fact that a person "s education is the most important aspect of his life."
Keeping the mind and body strong and healthy is an important aspect of life, as it affects the way one works, thinks, and even sleeping.
One of the reasons that hiddenness is such an important aspect of the spiritual life is that it keeps us focused on God.
Just following this one bit of wisdom has saved me a lot of heartache and trouble; not just in my marriage, but in every aspect of my life.
But if we can put our fears aside we have a wonderful opportunity to express our potential and manifest a new aspect of life for ourselves, one we probably have never been able to experience before.
Questioner: are you saying, Sir, that one should be aware during the day of the whole movement of life, not just one's family life, or business life, or any other individual aspect of life?
It is not fortuitous, and reflects from one aspect of the transitional period of China's social life.
Either we take the whole movement of life as one, which becomes extremely difficult for most people, or we take one fundamental aspect in which all the others may be included.
In my view the line organisation should organise knowledge and one such aspect is life cycle management of products.
They are well-understood by a typical design team, with the exception of one aspect: resource life cycles.
No one can deny the fact those a person's education is the maximum importance aspect of his life.
The "regulations" mean the relative general provisions on one aspect of the administrative works or the social life.
No one can deny the fact those a persons education is the maximum importance aspect of his life.
The "rules" mean the relative specific provisions on one aspect of the administrative works or the social life.
They viewed it as a natural, experiential aspect of life that occurs as the members of the family are involved with one another in daily living.
No one can deny the fact that a person's education is the most important aspect of his life.
No one can deny the fact that a person's education is the most important aspect of his life.