When the student reached the door, the teacher called out, "One moment, boy, what's your name?"
After all, even the most action-filled exciting painting can represent only one moment in time; and any illusion of movement is gone after the first glance.
For one moment he heard the wings beating strongly.
One moment it was quiet and calm in the forest, the next, the air was charged with tension.
It is one moment when artists are judged instead of all being lumped together in a merry carnival.
This one moment summed up all my halfheartedness of the past months, which had produced my betrayal.
They were so alive at one moment, so clearly no longer attached to the earth the next.
"I give you," replied Bluebeard, "half a quarter of an hour, but not one moment more."
Why we love it: "This look has one moment of extravagance andshows that proportion is everything.
Indeed, closed timelike curves can make it impossible to de-fine "the universe at one moment in time."
Here, seen only by her eyes, Arthur Dimmesdale, false to God and man, might be for one moment true!
We may feel "anxious one moment, bored the next, and in a state of flow immediately afterward." 8as.
To go back in time and change one moment in the many that create your life could change everything that follows.
One moment it is your work machine, complete with a set of corporate applications and tight security Settings.
He said on Monday that his servers were providing the Internet connections for about 750 Iranians at any one moment.
But if you can bear with me for one moment, imagine he lived in current times, not amid the postwar prosperity of 1949.
It was almost a temptation one moment, and the succeeding moment it became a terror. He was in a panic at the thought of it.
This one moment summed up all my halfheartedness of the past months, which had produced my denial of her, and my betrayal.
One moment the crust took the form of a shattered windshield, then it coalesced into a jigsaw puzzle, then a ragged map of the world.
One of the charms of the world's most famous painting is that she appears radiant one moment and then serious and sardonic the next.
Like the steadfast writer, she is at home in the wind and the rain; and, thanks to one moment of felicity, she will live on and on and on.
Gradually actions come to play important roles and what may have seemed insignificant at one moment can trigger a pendulum of results.
Contradiction emerges only when a situation is viewed over time, because at any one moment, one factor or the other is in the ascendant.
First the cabin roof disappears, then the floor, and from one moment to the next, the passengers feel like they have lost their grip on anything solid.
She knew that what Marianne and her mother conjectured one moment, they believed the next--that with them, to wish was to hope, and to hope was to expect.
她知道,玛丽安和母亲忽而胡猜乱想,忽而信以为真。 对她俩来说,想望着的便是有希望的,有希望的便是指日可待的。
And we have a string here and the string is attached to this ball and the whole thing is going around and so at one moment in time this has a velocity, like so.
Not for one moment do I suggest that CEOs speaking from a podium or engaged in a media interview will achieve success if they simply master their nonverbal tools.
Not for one moment do I suggest that CEOs speaking from a podium or engaged in a media interview will achieve success if they simply master their nonverbal tools.