Therefore, water treatment and recycling has become one of the chosen strategy to solve the shortage of water resources.
If you are one of the lucky callers chosen to play, you could be in the money.
This one was chosen because it echoed the labels of groups, such as "Italian Americans" and "Irish Americans", that had already been freed of widespread discrimination.
By the 1950s, most schools required a brief personal statement of why the student had chosen to apply to one school over another.
To their disappointment, the boss said that their interview had ended and only one of them was chosen.
This was the human stuff of America. It wasnot the stuff one would have chosen to make a nation or an admirable nationalcharacter.
Use grouped options when the number of options is relatively small, and when only one option may be chosen at any given time.
When the process executes, exactly one of the decision branches is chosen, i.e., we have an exclusive choice modeled here.
An accompanying picture of the 38-year-old in a bright pink headdress was widely believed to be the one she'd chosen to grace the cover of her new book.
Every December, each state nominated two candidates, who then went to one of eight regional competitions in which scholars were chosen for the coming academic year.
Many have suggested that WS-I should have chosen one or the other, and more specifically, that it should have chosen document-literal as the exclusive style of describing a web service.
许多人已经建议WS - i应该选择其中之一,更确切地讲,应当选择document -literal作为描述Web服务的方式,而不使用其他方式。
Once they receive their red hats on November 20th, some 25 of the 120 voting cardinals will be Italians; it looks highly possible that one of them will be chosen to succeed the 83-year-old Benedict.
Remember that due to the HTTP 1.1 specification, WebSphere Portal can attach only one set of values of the chosen HTTP headers for this purpose in a response.
请记住,由于HTTP 1.1规范的要求,在一次响应中,WebSpherePortal只能为此目的附加所选HTTP标头的一个值集。
"Five languages were involved," says Liz Elting, 44, one of the owners of TransPerfect, the translation company chosen for the job.
Or is it more like a map of the world being filled in by careful study of non-randomly chosen villages, one at a time?
For the sake of clarity, in this example, we have chosen to represent the physical model with a high-level illustrated diagram first, and then with a more detailed textual one.
She said something about Mother and her love of life, and I realized that the phone conversation was just the kind Mother would have chosen to be our last one.
One of the complexities we ran across in implementing our chosen solution related to operating system versions.
It does so by reading the WSDL to determine the available operations and presenting a wizard page that includes a list of these operations, from which one must be chosen (see Figure 1).
One of the sample XML documents needs to be chosen (see Figure 10).
这里需要选择一个示例XML文档(见图 10)。
Minutes after choosing one particular illness out of many, the volunteers suddenly found that the chosen illness was less intimidating.
She was interviewed on television, invited to Russia for the opening of the movie there and chosen by people magazine as one of the 50 most beautiful people in the world.
If the EU had sorted out the banks back then, it could have chosen among a variety of options in dealing with the one genuine fiscal crisis it had in Greece.
But for the sake of my servant David and the city of Jerusalem, which I have chosen out of all the tribes of Israel, he will have one tribe.
With one or two exceptions, the chosen papers convey an impression of economics as a tidy, coherent discipline.
Now, this is a particularly simple case because I've chosen the case where all of the stoichiometric coefficients are equal to one.
Now, this is a particularly simple case because I've chosen the case where all of the stoichiometric coefficients are equal to one.