This implies that the table must have one or more columns or table-level constraints.
A declarative programming style is almost always a more direct way of stating constraints than is an imperative or procedural one.
You would typically define one or more roles whose users would have the right the access the scripts depending on the security constraints specified in the web.xml file.
根据web. xml文件中指定的安全性约束,通常会定义一个或多个角色,这些角色的用户将拥有访问这些脚本的适当权限。
Validating a document's constraints, and providing this meaning to one or more XML documents, can be achieved easily by using SAX, the Simple API for XML (see Resources).
通过使用SAX (theSimpleAPIforXML),可以容易地验证文档的约束并将该含意提供给一个或多个 XML 文档(请参阅参考资料)。
The data violated the integrity constraints for one or more columns.
Failed to enable constraints. One or more rows contain values violating non-null, unique, or foreign-key constraints.
Failed to enable constraints. One or more rows contain values violating non-null, unique, or foreign-key constraints.