I can't stay focused on one thing at a time.
If we focus on one thing at a time and learn from failure, we can succeed in the end.
"He wanted to do one thing at a time," Meg says, explaining her son's delay.
To set our heart on one thing at a time and give up all other thoughts is also a good way.
The shortest way to do a lot stuff is to do only one thing at a time.
The shortest way to do many things is to do only one thing at a time.
But if you start to feel stressed, go back to doing one thing at a time.
You can't do more than one thing at a time or manage the benefit of both.
The hardest thing about finance is that you can't focus on one thing at a time.
Keep a very short to-do list, do one thing at a time, until the list is finished.
So teach one thing at a time, until they’ve learned the skill, and then move on to the next.
This focuses your attention on to one thing at a time, which is the key to personal productivity.
And people who juggle many tasks are less creative and less productive than those who do one thing at a time.
This one may be especially helpful for parents: When leaving a room, pick up as you go, one thing at a time.
Goals don't too big, one thing at a time, investment interest and enthusiasm to stick to it, you will succeed.
He thinks about one thing at a time and then moves on to the next thing since one box isn't connected to another.
Focus. Doing too many things at once can overwhelm you, so drop the multitasking and focus on one thing at a time.
If you truly want to find out what your potential is, you've got to pour everything you've got into one thing at a time.
This means that for them time is scheduled and compartmentalized so that people can concentrate on one thing at a time.
An important point to remember on distractions and learning is that in training you only add or change one thing at a time.
Do one thing at a time - don't be afraid to say 'no' when demands are placed on you, and walk away from stressful situations.
一次做一件事——当又有要求强加于你,不要害怕说“no ”,从紧张的境地抽身出来。
Some people are distracted doing more than one thing at a time so they have to decide on plan A or B, but can only choose one。
Some people are distracted doing more than one thing at a time so they have to decide on plan a or b, but can only choose one.
You have many questions because you want to compare with many things. If you follow one thing at a time, then there is no problem.
It can help tremendously to slow down, to do only one thing at a time, to really pay close attention to your immediate surroundings.
It can help tremendously to slow down, to do only one thing at a time, to really pay close attention to your immediate surroundings.