One afternoon in winter, my old car broke down on my way home.
Four years ago they began performing in the car park of one of Kinshasa's posher rooftop restaurants, hoping that rich patrons would chuck spare cash into a pot on their way out.
For instance, I heard about one guy who gets into the movies this way: he strides in, holds his glasses aloft, and announces, "I found them in the car!"
The way my family plays 20 questions is that one person silently chooses a famous person and then everyone in the car has 20 yes or no questions to figure out who it is.
One cool bit: the tires were chiseled from solid blocks of rubber, the only way to support the weight of the car.
As an example, he cites the case of the expatriate stopping a car that was going the wrong way on a one-way Guangzhou street.
For one thing, utilities mostly have spare capacity and can thus adjust their fuel mix in a way that car drivers confronted with an oil shortage cannot.
One day, while the girl was on her way to work, she was knocked down by a car that lost control.
Of course, there's one sure way to avoid being tracked: just shut the cellphone off when you get in the car.
You need a place to live and a way to get from one place to another, and those items — home and car — are usually the biggest ongoing expenses.
One way to save fuel and be kinder to the environment is to drive a smaller car.
One day on his way to school, he saw a little girl crossing the road when a car nearly hit her.
When you arrive at the dacha's faux-neoclassical gate, you have to leave your car and hop into one of the Kremlin's vehicles that slowly wind their way through a silent forest of snow-tipped firs.
You care what your car looks like: a car is a means of transportation to get from one place to another, but many people don't view it that way.
Car following model is a basic model in traffic microscopic simulation, using to analyze and describe the way one vehicle (driver) follows another in a single lane of traffic.
One can rent a children's car in the central square. The owner of the cars runs after the kids in a funny way. Maybe he's afraid of the car theft?
One day, while the girl was on her way to work, she was knocked down by a car that lost control.
One way to get rid of the polluted air is to make a car without pollution.
The reasoning behind the decision to make the plugs uniform between different companies is that a car must be able to be recharged in one country in exactly the same way as in another.
A good way to ease traffic, both for yourself and other drivers, is to put a large gap in between your car and the one in front of you.
One day, while the gal was on her way to work, she was knocked down by a car that lost control.
Because there was no way to take Pooch that far in our car, Dad asked one of his hunting buddies, a man with some country-sounding name like Claggert, to care for Pooch.
One way to spot misaligned tyres is to park your car on a level area and turn the tyres until you can see the entire width of the tyre.
Take a look at this. A 22-year-old man in Akron, Ohio is jumping his way to fame, one car at a time.
It is estimated that between one million and 17 million people in the UK are connected, in some way, to Richard, whose remains were discovered buried beneath a council car park in Leicester in 2012.
One of them said to Mrs. Brown: "the poor old gentleman lost his way in the park and called us for help, so we sent a car to bring him home."
One of them said to Mrs. Brown: "the poor old gentleman lost his way in the park and called us for help, so we sent a car to bring him home."