A friend is one who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself.
Don't forget the one who Helped you. Don't hate the one who Loved you. Don't Cheat the one who Believes you.
I believe Dan Browne is the one who believes and worships Satan and that's why he has made such a movie about our Lord.
Acts 10:43 to this one all the prophets testify that through his name everyone who believes into Him will receive forgiveness of SINS.
I am one who believes that one of the greatest dangers of advertising is not that of misleading people, but that of boring them to death.
I am one who believes that one of the greatest dangers of advertising is not that of misleading people, but that of boring them to death.
Acts 13:39 And from all the things from which you were not able to be justified by the law of Moses, in this one everyone who believes is justified.
But at this stage all the reader learns is that the plan is brilliant, complex and efficient. One man who publicly nods his assent believes it is also evil.
Palmer believes that Jack is seeking revenge because he lost every man on his team during the Bosnia mission and Palmer was the one who authorized the mission.
The changes will be seen by many as an improvement, but they may upset Miss Holden who believes that Miss Boyle's appearance was one of the reasons she has attracted so much attention.
'There is only one answer to fixing the wedge between us, and that is to get rid of the dog,' says Mr. Wolak, who believes that wouldn't be fair to Buck.
So, if you are a woman who does not like changes or believes in living by customs and traditions, then perhaps a Sagittarius man would not be the right one for you.
the one wonderful person who always believes in you in a way that no-one else seems to.
One reader from California who asked not to be named believes Times reporters and editors are trying to sway public opinion toward their own beliefs.
Makelele, who has one year remaining on his contract, believes the Blues have the talent available to make another run in Europe next season.
Still, Mr Michael, who served as one of the only foreigners on China Mobile's advisory board, believes SASAC deserves some praise.
Bob: I am one liberal who believes this department spends too much money on national programs like No Child Left Behind that are best addressed at the state level.
The person who cares life is one who firstly believes in and admires life.
Nesta instead believes that Sir Alex Ferguson is the one who should be concerned at taking on arguably the best player in the world right now – Champions League top scorer Kaka.
For example, imagine facing a buyer who won't accept your current offer because she believes you will soon make a better one.
Yang believes that her parents are proud of their brave daughter. "I might be the only one in my class who has traveled to university alone," she said.
Lesson 28 no parking Jasper White is one of those rare people who believes in ancient myths.
Jn. 11:26 and every one who lives and believes into me shall by no means die forever. Do you believe this?
Jn. 11:26 and every one who lives and believes into me shall by no means die forever. Do you believe this?