The Economist's London offices are surrounded by gentlemen's clubs, for example, to which ladies are admitted only as guests.
So, to be honest, I do not believe ladies will marry a man for money only.
Ladies with baskets of Zongzi went from person to person, selling their hand-made treats for only RMB 5 each.
I'm only sorry for those two old ladies. They suffered horribly in their final minutes.
He had very pretty manners, and bowed in all directions, for he had young ladies' blood in his veins, and was accustomed to consort only with human beings; and that was of GREat consequence.
For most ladies, oily skin is only the unhappy memory during puberty. However, for some ladies, oily skin gives troubles for them all the time.
"Why all the brands of sun proof cream are for ladies only?Don't you think men also need to do some UV protect?" Few days ago, a male friend asked me, suddenly.
"Why all the brands of sun proof cream are for ladies only?Don't you think men also need to do some UV protect?" Few days ago, a male friend asked me, suddenly.