The young lady was Mercy Chant, the only daughter of his father's neighbor and friend.
The father saw the blood and questioned his daughter. After learning the truth he ran to the garbage can only to find the baby was already dead.
Madame Thenardier had died in prison pending the trial. Thenardier and his daughter Azelma, the only two remaining of that lamentable group, had plunged back into the gloom.
The young lady was Miss Mercy Chant, the only daughter of his father's neighbour and friend, whom it was his parents quiet hope that he might wed some day.
I bemoaned that, as I gazed on the feeble orphan; and I mentally abused old Linton for (what was only natural partiality) the securing his estate to his own daughter, instead of his son's.
When Jephthah returned to his home in Mizpah, who should come out to meet him but his daughter, dancing to the sound of tambourines! She was an only child.
And Jephthah came to Mizpeh unto his house, and, behold, his daughter came out to meet him with timbrels and with dances: and she was his only child; beside her he had neither son nor daughter.
Origer walked his daughter down the aisle last fall, only a small cancerous spot remained visible in his liver.
He claims he realised something was seriously wrong only on 1 April, when his daughter failed to return home for the new school term.
The source of this idea is not only Sigmund Freud but his youngest daughter Anna.
The King couldn't refuse his only daughter. He rose from his throne and knighted the blacksmith.
He did not need her to complicate his life, she had replied, knowing that he would stoically accept her proposal of a monthly lunch as their only way of remaining father and daughter.
His daughter only has a few weeks to live, but the Department of Corrections won't let Charles see her because they feel he might still be a flight risk.
Only when a prince gives his true love kiss to this daughter will the curse be broken.
Only towards the end of the play does King Lear learn who is his truest daughter.
Thank director leaving them. His wife and daughter, two people he loved life, only this. Enough.
Not only is he doing a good job, but his daughter is in the honors program at school and his son is doing really well too.
For his children, all four kids have their name inked on David's body, while he has cherubs to represent his three sons and 'Pretty Lady' for his only daughter.
He forbids his daughter to offer her seat to an elderly woman, telling her that only ones own well-being matters in extreme conditions.
Then Jason said to his daughter, 'Carol, your Mom seems to know the thing only you and I were supposed to know. How could this be?
"His daughter, " suggested Bracken. "Blackwood has six sons, but only the one daughter. He dotes on her. A snot-nosed little creature, couldn't be more than seven. "
Eventually, like many men, he is co-opted by his daughter to sing the first few verses of "Ten Green Bottles", the only song to which he knows all the words.
With him came his daughter, Mary, only child of a first marriage that had not survived his temporary immersion in burnt-cork makeup, banjo music, and applause.
With him came his daughter, Mary, only child of a first marriage that had not survived his temporary immersion in burnt-cork makeup, banjo music, and applause.