There is only one road transporting materials between locations.
There is not only one road leading to happiness, so I don't feel regret for her.
Love is a road, friends are pigs, life is only one road, the road has many pigs yo.!
My neighborhood isn’t technically gated, but there’s only one road in and out, so I answered, “Yes.”
"There are three coal mines surrounding the village and only one road out," said Mr. Wei, who has pleaded with his mother to leave the village.
In his ticklish position he nearly lost his balance and only just avoided rolling over into the road, the horse, though a powerful one, being fortunately the quietest he rode.
This frame of mind breeds insecurity, In the song All the Way, one of my favorite Frank Sinatra tunes, Frank sings, "who knows where the road may lead us, only a fool would say." Listen to Frank.
And if one "manages to do it twice", does it mean the dormice choose to cross the road only once, or does it actually mean that none of them survive a second attempt at crossing the road?
And we have only one detail with which to recreate all this love, but it will do: the smell of a room too long shut up, the special sound of a footstep on the road.
If, on waking one fine morning we were to find gravitation reduced to only a fraction of itself, would we still demurely walk along the high road?
There were no roads, no cars, no nothing, just a long dirt road and a bunch of trees.Everyone else was asleep, so I was the only one who saw this.
Though not the first such roadable plane with folding wings, Terrafugia claims its transition is the only one capable of a seamless transition from road to air and back again.
I was lucky enough to drive one this week when Ford brought its electric Focus and Transit Connect van to a dealership in Manhattan. Inside the cabin, the only sound was the other traffic on the road.
Only to one day more to deer predators - wolf, Charlie, Germany to protect the deer, decided to lure the wolves alone, to the Road enough time to escape.
So I stand at the road waiting for cars to stop for me only to find that not one single driver does this.
So far, only one to two percent of all species have gone gone extinct in the groups we can look at clearly, so by those numbers, it looks like we are not far down the road to extinction.
迄今为止,在我们能清楚了解的物种中,只有1%到2%真正灭绝。 从这点来看,我们似乎在物种灭绝的路上还未走远。
At a Sinopec gas station near the North Fourth Ring Road in Beijing on Tuesday evening, Chu Yuanxi said he only drives one day a week and normally takes buses or the subway.
One thousand years ago, the Tang Dynasty opened up the silk Road leading to the Western Region, only to sell silk, tea and porcelain to rest of the world.
The Pangi via Kishtwar road cuts rights through mountain ledges, and for the most part, is only wide enough for one car at a time.
Of those, only one had anything to do with Tools|Options, which I found to be a surprisingly low number, given how often I hear people comment about it when I am talking to customers on the road.
At the end, the road descends to the ancient glacial valley called Marienfluss valley, which is one of the planet's most beautiful sights that await only the brave-hearted.
The road to success is only one, that's preparation, preparation, and preparation.
Not only had he missed out on the camaraderie-building road trips while injured, he lost one of his closest friends on the team when Javaris Crittenton went to Memphis in the Gasol trade.
Only in low temperature area, shrinkage crevice can generate, it is one road disease that is not solved completely in the world at present.
You are the only one who really knows what you want from life and if you're on the right road for you.
It's the only road in Canada that crosses the Circle, and one of very few in the world that does.
But the road to entrepreneurship, however, is full hard, once account is only 86 minutes one francs in cash.
There were no roads, no cars, no nothing, just a long dirt road and a bunch of trees. Everyone else was asleep, so I was the only one who saw this.
Now barely a one-lane dirt road, the route had been dynamited into the mountainside only a few years earlier.
Now barely a one-lane dirt road, the route had been dynamited into the mountainside only a few years earlier.