Whatever the reason, when you're stranded and you have one investor the only way out is to find new outside investors.
If, on waking one fine morning we were to find gravitation reduced to only a fraction of itself, would we still demurely walk along the high road?
As we try to find chemical stimulants for desire and arousal one of the puzzle mysteries is how to weave a chemical feeling into a human response that can only be appropriate in some contexts.
Their assumption is that everybody including the Chinese of course, who comes to the States will stay here to seek a better life and that this is the only place where one can find a better life.
That sometimes created confusion — Ellison openly described to Wilson an incident in which a woman employee arrived at the executive's house one night, only to find another girlfriend-employee there.
The low spot for Jones came when he was asked why he had replied to one interlocutor that he wasn't going to make his data available, because he only wanted to find something wrong with it.
He now needs the guidance of a mentor who can not only push his game to a higher level but also help find and exploit weaknesses in world number one Nadal's game.
Buying local has many benefits one only has to visit a local farmers market to buy fresh high quality local produce and also 'meet the farmer' to find out more about what you are buying.
No more custom-tailoring your systems for each application, only to find those systems difficult to alter to either meet the needs of a new workload or the changing needs of the existing one.
One day Alaid, tired of quarrelling, left to find a better place to stay. The only thing he left there, was his heart which one can see in the middle of the lake.
And there was only one hope-that God might find a way to be the holy God that he is and yet let it go, and forgive.
The night sky with myriads of stars has always enticed people to find the answer to one of the oldest questions ever: are we the only living beings in this Universe?
I don't know how things will play out, but one can only hope they find their way to join the rest of us intact.
Alderman said, the new study is not the only one to find adverse effects of low-sodium diets.
Finally, after all of this, the farmer was dismayed to find that only one chicken egg was produced.
If you only have a few minutes and need to take care of something regarding business, you don't want to have to scan through a lot of personal emails trying to find the one that you're looking for.
One may find it interesting to know that IList does not inherit from IReadOnlyList, even though it has all the same members and all lists can be expressed as a read-only list. Immo Landwerth explains.
The San Francisco-based company wants to index every video on the Web so that users need go to only one site to find it, Ms. Vikati says.
The file name is missing because find called grep once for each file, and grep is smart enough to know that if you only give it one file name, then you don't need it to tell you what file it was.
缺少了文件名,因为find为每个文件调用grep一次,而 grep 非常智能,能够知道您是不是仅提供文件名,您不需要它告诉您是哪个文件。
That way, you can always find the right volume to install Linux from since there will only be one volume available at this time.
If you were to request the feed at the "manage" URL, you would only find one entry that describes the "comments" collection.
So I stand at the road waiting for cars to stop for me only to find that not one single driver does this.
Many a man had sacrificed one arm or foot, only to find the other going grey.
If we want our species to survive, if we are to find meaning in life, if we want to save the world and every sentient being that inhabits it, love is the one and only answer.
Many users find the word "merge" to be confusing, since it seems to imply that we start out with two things and end up with only one.
Many users find the word "merge" to be confusing, since it seems to imply that we start out with two things and end up with only one.