If the life is confused, welcome religious ah: when you think the world only you alone. There is a guy called God, he will not abandon you.
If the life is confused, welcome religious ah: when you think the world only you alone. There is a guy called God, he will not abandon you.
What would be the alternative, removing the seats from your car to ensure you only drive alone?
It doesn't take long to realize that if you're just passing through, people will only give you passing interest.I felt terribly alone.
It doesn't take long to realize that if you're just passing through, people will only give you passing interest. I felt terribly alone.
Only through right habits can you succeed; it is right habits alone that grant you your desires.
This means one thing and one thing only: if you are a startup, you have to have a clear path to profitability, let alone revenues.
This article is for informational purposes only, and you alone are responsible for what you do with it.
But transparency alone gets you only so far: it does not, for example, stop abuse or protectionism.
Living with a boy means to bring in more vigor, which not only weaken the economic pressure but also feel better when you do not want to be alone.
But if you take first births alone, the ratio is "only" 108. That is outside the bounds of normality but not by much.
Only and you alone, I have a kind of relaxed, and only in your companionship, I can release myself, back in your own.
As we often point out, you have may souls helping you, and in truth you never tackle anything alone and advice is there if only you will listen.
Virginia Woolf: If I were thinking clearly, Leonard, I would tell you that I wrestle alone in the dark, in the deep dark, and that only I can know.
If this and that happen, I'll do this and that will only drive you up the wall. Truth is, you don't know what will happen five minutes from now, let alone tomorrow, so stop trying to do God's job.
If You Can Be Happy Only with Others - and Not Alone - You Are Not a Very HappyPerson.
If nobody wants to see that cheesy movie with you, go by yourself and don't get into the mindset that only losers go to the movies alone.
Ma Zanghua occasionally allowed, but only in front of an old friend or alone, remember who said that after going to forget you sad about.
And, how often do we just pass you by without even noticing that you 're standing there all alone in the only place you regard as your home?
As a Scorpio, there is a limit to the amount of socializing you usually like to do before you call a halt to it and scoot away for time alone (or with only one other person).
For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.
Don't always find excuses for yourself, so that you never will only stay in didn't start stage, let alone successful weight.
Understand: If you don't understand her, you only get alone forever. That is a lack of communication of love.
If you can only give her monotony, and stale hours and half-baked proposals, then you're better off alone.
When you bring it home it assumes that it alone is the only appliance in the house.
Only you and you alone can thill me like you do and fill my heart with love for only you .
Don't criticize them to much. Sometimes you can leave them alone to settle the problem. You are only there to see fair play.
Don't criticize them to much. Sometimes you can leave them alone to settle the problem. You are only there to see fair play.