Probing the rock pools of a local beach or practising French on a language exchange can fire children's passions, boost their skills and open their eyes to life's possibilities.
Probing the rock pools of a local beach or practicing French on a language exchange can fire children's passions, boost their skills and open their eyes to life's possibilities.
If an open fire or cooking causes smoke in your home, find a way to fix it.
Many people especially those who live in villages in the countryside, burn coal or wood on an open fire.
Now the ruler Shen Nong was boiling water over an open fire, some leaves from a tea plant fell into the water.
The angry Stuyvesant went to Fort Amsterdam and prepared to open fire on the British.
The plain-speaking Cele has called for a change in legislation that would allow police to open fire on suspects without having to worry about "what happens after that".
"They would open fire, " Spiderman replied bluntly, his mouth half full with fluorescent pink candy.
A strainer full of noodles, fresh off an open fire, commands the total concentration of a cook in Bangkok's Chinatown.
The milk is heated over an open fire made with hand-cut wood, the cost of which alone exceeds the price most cheese would fetch.
Though several of them have been wounded, week after week they march back and plant Palestinian flags as close as they can to the walls before Israeli soldiers open fire.
According to the Israelis, this forced the commandos to open fire.
An essential ritual for Hindus and Jains is called the pheras, where the bride and groom circle an open fire seven times, symbolizing the vows a couple makes.
What with wireless and digital entertainment zones, kitchens have come a long way from the era of the open fire and blackened pot.
One of the high points of the winter sleigh ride is roasting marshmallows on an open fire.
A traditional white horse was found in Bangkok to perform the groom's entrance, and the open-fire ritual was observed.
Russia Friday said the Russian side was compelled to open fire and the ship's captain should take full responsibility.
These minimalist structures offer everything one might expect from a Finnish cabin: peaceful lakeside setting, open fire, terrace, personal sauna and the chance to jump naked into a lake.
The older girls would heat up the water over an open fire so that we could bathe in the evenings, using a plastic bowl.
年龄大些的女孩在露天烧水,以便我们晚上洗澡。 我们用塑料盆洗澡。
"As soon as Palestinian police come through those gates, we'll open fire," says a pensioner in Halamish, noting that religious Zionists make up 40% of Israel's combat units.
By the age of eight or nine I could light a fire, cook dinner for a family of 10 and knew how to bake bread on an open fire.
Ochre walls and wood create a cosy feel in the converted barns, where you can read a book by an open fire, or unwind in the sauna (00 33 3 8980 9429;
在改造的谷仓里,土黄色的墙面和木头营造出一种惬意的感觉,你可以在这里就着明火看书,或者到桑拿室里放松(00333 8980 9429;
What they don't tell you: If you burn the wood in an open fire, the majority of the energy in the wood will be lost up the chimney.
Belle, our dog, my other companion, was old and lazy and liked to sleep by the open fire rather than to romp with me.
In the middle of the room was an open fire. Above it a large circular hole in the ceiling, through which we gazed at the stars like diamonds.
To introduce the technology reform of oil burning open fire furnace. The heat treatment control principle of the open fire furnace and its adopting measures are introduced emphatically.
If you are asked to an Australian home, you will probably eat outside and cook meat or fish on an open fire.
If you are asked to an Australian home, you will probably eat outside and cook meat or fish on an open fire.