Their herbs and spices are arranged in alphabetical order on narrow open shelves.
Although this library was open to everyone, all readers had to pay a membership or subscription fee in order to borrow books.
A day trip to the stars is already open for people to order!
Second, we should often open the windows in order to keep the air in the room fresh.
It has been open for two years in order to encourage us to read more.
We share a common vision of a stable regional order with clear rules of the road -from freedom of navigation to open markets and fair competition.
This means you can open a virtual channel between two hosts where the order of the packets sent and their actual delivery is guaranteed.
Also, when multiple things can occur inside an element, the order of occurrence can be specified or left open, as needed.
All the powers of eternal Reason, of order, of universal morality, all the foreign grandeur of a God open to wrath are summed up in him.
On the other hand, if you typically edit Shared resources, perhaps your fingers are trained to immediately hit, in order to select the default option and open the file read-only.
In order to execute this script, open the DB2 command line processor, change the directory to your current working directory that contains the content of the file you downloaded.
要执行该脚本,打开DB 2命令行处理器,将目录更改到包含所下载文件内容的当前工作目录。
I'll open with those and then move through the other risks, in descending order - so first the macro, and then the more country-focused.
Edit 4/14/06: For your convenience, here are links to all of my polyphasic sleep log entries in order (each link will open in a new window).
OpenSSH (Open Source secure Shell) is intended to replace the RSH utility in order to provide secured communication over insecure channels.
OpenSSH (OpenSourceSecureShell)用于代替rsh实用程序,以便在不安全的通道上提供有安全保障的通信。
The reason why this is not a two-way relationship is that Customer only maintains an instance of the current open order.
Allen also may order BP to open the cap and let oil and gas flow via pipelines to vessels on the sea surface where it will be separated, stored and burned.
As a speech pathologist, I often ask patients to tell me a personal story in order to get them to open up.
Girls like flowers, and more broad-minded inclusion, in order to open up new possibilities and awaken the sleepy mountain, the river changed its appearance.
The salmon are returning to Alaska from the open ocean in their millions in order to spawn.
In the open highway they had progressed in scattered order; but now their route was through a field-gate, and the foremost finding a difficulty in opening it they closed up together.
By following the Open Closed Principle with the order processing rules, I've made it much easier to add new types of order handling logic to the system.
Post-processing the text of only letters and numbers for higher-order data is a much easier method of developing a useful annotation system with available open source systems.
Don's margins have grown so small that on three occasions he has had to put his savings into the Apothecary Shoppe in order to keep the doors open.
The order management form, which will be developed in Part 3, allows users to review open accounts with unpaid balances.
In order that the crops in open field could survive safely the winter frost prevention operation is of Paramount importance.
The dark side of hope is that claims about potential improvement can, and are, grossly exaggerated, in order to prise open our wallets.
The dark side of hope is that claims about potential improvement can, and are, grossly exaggerated, in order to prise open our wallets.