For consumers to get an answer to an open-ended question it will be necessary for them to use a booking or query widget that does not require the customer to know where they are going.
Here we have a number of different methodological cuts into the question of values: Quant Analysis (Feldman), Quant Analysis of Codes (Feldman and Zaller), Open-ended questions (Chong).
Though one could answer this open-ended question in a myriad of ways, the key to answering this question or any other interview question is to offer a response that supports your career objective.
It is particularly useful because it is an “open ended” question. It can’t be answered by “yes” or “no” so it is helpful in keeping a conversation going.
We then reworded the question to "What else can we tell you" -a more open-ended phrasing -and started getting more substantial replies.
An experimental study was conducted to examining the effects of question prompts and cooperative learning in scaffolding junior students' problem-solving process in open-ended problem solving.
First, in view of junior students' thinking of way, according to the characteristics of mathematics open-ended problem solving, we designed a series of question prompts.
If you tend to be an overthinker, you will have to manage your urge to dwell on the many possibilities when trying to answer an open-ended test question.
If you tend to be an overthinker, you will have to manage your urge to dwell on the many possibilities when trying to answer an open-ended test question.