But others were on business or making long-term moves, their cars loaded on open car carriers behind the twin locomotives.
The car could not air-conditioned, more sultry , one by one to the round of the open car in the Haoshou Menzhuo really not…
Her sea-blue eyes were filmed over and when she walked down the steps toward the open car her long legs tottered like a crippled foal's.
The breeze streaming through the open car Windows made Laura Kucera's long blond hair dance as she pulled up at her friend Sara Tello's house.
After calm Chen red people open car was crying, and she did not know I am telling us how to face the, she found generation, also said the thought of know and why she together.
Don't leave your shopping on the back seat of your car – it's an open invitation to a thief.
He put a gun through the open window of the car and fired point-blank at Bernadette.
You could have the car on an open road or maybe you could create a picture of your Benz with red velvet ropes or driving through the wine country, whatever!
Not everyone wants a driverless car now—and no one can get one yet—but among those who are open to them, every age group is similarly engaged.
But then we would hear the garage door open, and the four of us boys looked outside as a car pulled in the driveway.
I open the door of an unlocked car and sit there for 15 minutes until the rain passes.
Aggressive drivers also caused speed to drop because they braked hard at the last moment to avoid driving into the car in front.They then had to drive more slowly to open up a space again.
Idling a car in a garage, even with the door open, is dangerous and exposes the driver to carbon monoxide and other noxious gases.
A lion jumps on the front of a car while guests watch at the Werribee Open Range Zoo, Werribee, Victoria, Australia.
By late afternoon it was so hot on board that all the cabin doors were open and everyone was out in the corridor or in the dining car.
One time we went off to Italy together with Eva Braun and her sister Gretel in an open-topped car.
But hotels and car rental agencies are wide open: 15% and 5% of revenues, respectively.
He was famously killed in November 1963 while waving to the Dallas crowd in an open-top car.
Mr Gibson had an open bottle of tequila next to him on the seat of his car.
Because an interpreter is not available, U.S. Marines use hand gestures to ask the driver to step out of the car and open the trunk and hood for inspection.
Going back to my favorite analogy in regards to open source software and proprietary software — proprietary software is like buying a car with the hood welded shut.
An unidentified man holds a car door open for Einstein's secretary, Helen Dukas, following Einstein's cremation.
You could have the car in an open road setting or maybe you could create a picture of your Benz pulling up to red velvet ropes or driving through the wine country, whatever!
Then came the big moment: my daughter would stride to the driver’s side of the car, pull the door open, slide in, and drive away.
A new hydrogen-powered car, whose designs will be "open source" and posted for free use on the web, was unveiled today in London.
A new hydrogen-powered car, whose designs will be "open source" and posted for free use on the web, was unveiled today in London.