TURBO-PROLOG language is used for developing a small expert system for equipment selection in open Cut mines.
The problem of shield machine driving through a station in Metro construction can be well solved by combining shield-driven tunnelling with mining or open cut excavation.
According to power and ability of expert system, based on recent year's applications in mining industry, the potential application areas of expert system in open cut mine are put forward.
According to the actual condition of high bench in open cut coal mines and similarity law, a similarity model of high bench casting blast experiment was built and similarity constant was deduced.
Watermelons that have been cut open should be put in the fridge.
If ever there was a time to cut distorting agricultural subsidies and open markets for food imports, it must be now.
Then, decades later, he was exhumed, and his coffin was cut open to make sure he was really there.
Cut the legs off your jeans and cut them open along the inside seam. Lay them flat on the table.
Starbucks also cut the number of company-operated stores it will open in fiscal 2009 in half, to fewer than 200.
Dutch folklore tells of nasty beings that would cut people's stomachs open during the winter, and if the stomachs contained the special pastries, they were immune to the sword.
We fired up the camp stove, got out our cold boxes from the heavy metal bear-locker, fried up some bacon, cut open some bagels, and boiled up a thermos-full of coffee.
As the public sector shrinks and budgets are cut a gap will open up. Smart businesses will grab the chance to play the role of white knight.
I am scheduled to have an open biopsy in thecoming weeks, in which Dr. Healey will cut into my leg and extract a piece ofthe bone.
在循着这个疗法进行治疗之前,医生们得对肿瘤做相应的分析。 接下来的几周里医生安排我做活组织切片检查,希利医生会把我的腿划开取一小片骨头。
Open each of these in your favorite text editor and type (or cut and paste) this text into the appropriate file.
This was quickly followed by another 50 basis point cut in both rates at the Fed's regular open market committee meeting of January 30.
Whalers cut open and inspect meat from a 35-ton fin whale, one of two fin whales caught off the coast of Hvalfjsrour, north of Reykjavik, on the western coast of Iceland.
They gather on a patch of open grass before a stretcher made from freshly cut bamboo, bound and laid with banana leaves.
I wish I could tell you it was about making people well, but I think it was more about wanting to cut them open!
Once a new treaty is enacted, Mr. Obama wants to open talks to cut arms more deeply.
They feared that the mummy would fall to pieces when they cut it open, but fortunately this has not happened.
Tomorrow, when the Open Market Committee meets, everyone expects them to reduce the Fed funds by another full point, with a corresponding further cut in the discount rate.
It didn’t because that January, when Kelly was cut open for a biopsy, the lump turned out to be nothing.
那是因为,一月份凯莉开刀做活检,结果却显示这个肿块是良性的。 什么也没有。
He cut open his patient's chest and tried, unsuccessfully, to massage his heart back to life with his bare hands.
And even luxury brands are planning to open new cut-price shops in America's discount outlet malls.
The milk is heated over an open fire made with hand-cut wood, the cost of which alone exceeds the price most cheese would fetch.
When the research group cut open the mice to examine their lungs, they found that the treatment had significantly cut down on lunginflammation.
An original idea, to cut through the chaff. There are still many areas open for people to podcast.
This vigorous rambling rose is perfect for training over a pergola or along an open wall, and the highly fragrant blooms make wonderful cut flowers.
Earlier today, the Auckland Museum cut open a young great white shark that had been mistakenly caught by local fishermen.
Earlier today, the Auckland Museum cut open a young great white shark that had been mistakenly caught by local fishermen.