The open file is build.xml, which comprises dozens of Ant declarations.
打开的文件是build . xml,该文件由数十个Ant声明组成。
When you open file write.txt, you will see how the DPTK tags in template write.pat.
在打开文件write . txt时,您将看到上面write . pat模板中的DPTK标记如何将来自输入模型中的数据写入simple . xml。
When a process duplicates itself, the kernel makes a copy of all open file descriptors.
'w' Open file, or create new file, for writing; discard existing contents, if any.
The fgetss function returns a line, with HTML and PHP tags removed, from an open file.
Cannot open file. Start the application used to create this file, and open it from there.
Could not open file for reading. Close any other application that may be locking the file.
Unable to open file copy directly, may cause the inside of the clipboard contents very much.
At the top is the open file object, which is referenced by a process's file descriptor list.
In order to join your files back together, open file Splitter and click on the join files TAB.
We can specify new current working directory either as a pathname or though an open file descriptor.
A file descriptor is an integer that refers to an open file or device, and it is used for reading and writing.
Finally, a VFS file represents an open file (keeps state for the open file such as the write offset, and so on).
One open file is displayed per line and, unless you specify otherwise, all open files from all processes are displayed.
Click the edit button as shown in Figure 2 to open file browser dialog box where you can choose an external editor.
The first parameter fildes is the open file descriptor returned from the function open , referring to a specific device.
After the fork, the parent and child have copies of all open file descriptors and data values, so the pointer works for both.
Facilities include open file handles (file descriptors), Shared memory, process synchronization primitives, and current directory.
This data initializes the transaction table, dirty pages table, and open file table so they can be used in the recovery process.
The logical file system is also responsible for managing the kernel's open file table and the per process file descriptor information.
I try to run Comix from the command line, and try to open file, then it will crash and close, and I got a message 'Segmentation fault'.
我试过在命令行下运行Comix,接着试着打开文件,然后它就崩溃了,我得到一条“程序分段错误”(Segmentation fault)的信息。
Select Team/Apply Patch... from the context menu and then choose the patch file using your platform's customary open file dialog box.
从上下文菜单中选择Team/ApplyPatch... ,然后平台上惯用的open file对话框选择修补程序文件即可。
Open file ${was_home}/lib/app/config/services/, append the following lines to the end of the file.
打开文件 ${was_home}/lib/app/config/services/,在文件的末尾添加如下行。
Release is called when there are no more references to an open file — all file descriptors are closed and all memory mappings are unmapped.
When this option is selected, a message immediately notifies you of changes to an open file that have been made by an editor outside the ide.
Because the list of open file descriptors of an application give a great deal of information about the application itself, being able to peer into this list is helpful.
EBADF -- A function tried to use a bad file descriptor (it doesn't refer to an open file, for example, or it was used in an attempt to write to a file that was opened read-only).
If the platform libraries provide finalizers for cleaning up open file handlers, which greatly reduces the risk of forgetting to close them explicitly, why aren't finalizers used more often?
If you can't open a file (文件) , how can you continue your learning?
If you can't open a file (文件) , how can you continue your learning?