Although the public discovery of our wonderful trail wasn't a good thing for my friends and me, it is a good thing when your open source trail gets discovered.
It was as if she had anticipated my arrival and was opening the door for me, except that once it was open, she did not step aside deferentially, and we almost collided.
The door hadn’t even fully closed behind him when Mary Ann said, “I’ve got to tell you something incredible,” and she took a bottle out of the case and held it out for me to open.
If you have a laptop and I persuade you to open it up for me and I take the pliers and kind of snip just about anywhere, your laptop will be destroyed but the brain is actually more resilient.
It was Easter Monday, and everything in Sered and the entire country, it seemed, was closed except for one cafe, where a customer drove me two miles to an open pension.
It was like a breath of fresh air that helped me open up and changed my mindset for growth.
"It was a very emotional journey for me" to make the film in China, as it's very difficult to open oneself up to inner feelings, Ruby Yang said backstage at the Kodak Theater.
As one of the soldiers, who carried a basket in lieu of a gun, went down on his knee to open it, my convict looked round him for the first time, and saw me.
I didn't even feel the need to open it, for Dad's efforts told me all I needed to know, and more.
While this is no door open to me, but I do not force it sounded, and I will be in front of these fans quietly waited and If I have in front of a room for seats.
I read an article which told me a fact, through it, I seemed to understand a little bit: for that little bit of caring, someone may open their cells all night.
That which oppresses me, is it my soul trying to come out in the open, or the soul of the world knocking at my heart for its entrance?
For me, singing sad songs often has a way of healing a situation. It gets the hurt out in the open into the light, out of the darkness.
Thank you very much for allowing me to be here. We're going to open it up for some questions, some comments.
My clothes is in the room, please open the door for me and then close it.
I rented myself a little cabin on the beach for a few dollars a day and I shut my mouth and vowed not to open it again until something inside me had changed.
It is recommended that you open the Windows and door to give ti me for the interior to air out before you enter.
I don't care whether you love me or not, there will always be an open space in my heart. I left it for you.
I've discovered I possess a large number of different talent and skills that I never would have thought were within me had it not been for my being open to trying new opportunities.
As soon, and I do mean as soon, as the door cracked open far enough for me to wedge my elbow between it and the elevator door frame, I did so.
As soon, and I do mean as soon, as the door cracked open far enough for me to wedge my elbow between it and the elevator door frame, I did so.