Annoyed by the level of distraction in his open office, he said, "That's why I have a membership at the coworking space across the street—so I can focus".
Like the general open office decoration pattern space by a number of employees and managers to use, open the way the staff office on the surface of the irregular layout.
The purported benefits of the open plan office often mask their underlying function – to cut down on real estate costs by cramming the maximum number of employees into the minimum amount of space.
Otherwise the space is open plan: no cubicles, no offices, no walls, just a rolling tundra of office furniture.
In April 2015, about three years after moving into the open office, Nagele moved the company into a 10,000-square foot office where everyone now has their own space - complete with closing doors.
When the employees come in to the office in the morning, they have to find a free working station in a big, open space.
Plant is also equipped with 2697 square meters of office buildings and 5883 square meters dormitory General. Another 20 mu of open space is not built.
Plant is also equipped with 2697 square meters of office buildings and 5883 square meters dormitory General. Another 20 mu of open space is not built.