Sitting in the theatre, I had to look through the opening between the two tall heads in front of me.
Mostly this involves sitting outside waterside pubs watching narrowboats go by, occasionally helping (whether invited to or not) with lock-opening activities and the like.
So, you've got polonium or thorium sitting inside this leaded box with one opening.
Strangely, I'd had no trouble going to the loo, despite the fact that the scan showed another stone, 18mm in diameter, sitting across the left kidney's opening to the ureter.
Only ten days before the Opening of Parliament, Lord Monteagle, an apparently reformed Catholic, was sitting down to dinner in his Hoxton home when an important letter arrived for him. It read.
The doctor looked past his aged patient and saw himself sitting in a restaurant in Paris and a waiter was just opening a bottle of wine.
On opening day Friday, shoppers at the Taobao Mall on the Chinese capital's east side were test-sitting sofas and flipping through channels on big-screen TVs.
The evening was balmy, and two little boys — sons of a young mother sitting next to me — were opening and closing the shutters over the car Windows, to their great delight.
The sitting room has a brick fireplace and brick floors, a pitched ceiling and wall of French doors opening to the yard.
Opening the door to let them out, I noticed a little girl sitting in the front seat of the van.
The casing of the opening is raised a little from the floor. It is designed so that people spontaneously gather and stay around while sitting on or using it as a table.
We were sitting on sofas and armchairs after our dinner and present-opening.
We were sitting on sofas and armchairs after our dinner and present-opening.