Operating earnings were 13 cents a share, in line with forecasts.
But I was concerned about the impact in operating earnings and I was prepared for much worse.
Operating earnings, which do not include one-time investment gains and losses, were 99 cents per share.
Because of infrastructure's profitability, investors might want to pay 15 times for its operating earnings.
But even the more mass market-focused resorts depend on high-rollers for almost half of their operating earnings.
So instead of almost $5 in operating earnings per share this year, HP will really earn more like $3.50 to $4 per share.
Adjusted for Microsoft's cash hoard, the two estimate they bought shares for seven times Microsoft's operating earnings.
The S&P 500 index is trading on a price-earnings ratio of around 20, based on 2009 forecasts for operating earnings.
Pay attention to the changes in that metric and to the course of our operating earnings, and you will be on the right track.
Once the earnings are weighted by market value, operating earnings rise to about $79.40, giving the market a very cheap P/E ratio of 10.
The company warned it expects to ship less wine to the U. S. this fiscal year, reducing operating earnings by as much as A$30 million.
Operating earnings for companies in Standard & Poor's 500-stock index are expected to nearly triple on a year-over basis, according to Thomson Reuters.
汤森路透(Thomson Reuters Co.)预计,第四季度标普500指数成份股公司的营业利润将较上年同期增长将近两倍。
Meanwhile News Corp reported better-than-expected quarterly earnings, with increases in both revenue and operating income across all its big media divisions, even newspapers.
The Walt Disney Company reported its earnings last week, and the news was nothing but bad for ABC, whose operating income dropped significantly because of lower AD revenue.
The big losses in the financials impact operating as well as reported earnings.
In a January earnings call, Apple chief operating officer Tim Cook gave a loaded response to a reporter's question about the Pre, suggesting Apple might Sue the company for copying the iPhone.
These expectations, however, assume a V-shaped profit recovery that would be the fastest since the advent of the use of 'operating' earnings in the 1980s.
No consensus regarding the use of operating or reported earnings.
Operating income (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization) fell to an average of $6.1 million, 22% lower than the previous season and the lowest figure since the 2002-03 season.
The frappuccino "set instant records for the top-selling limited-time Frappuccino offering ever, " Starbucks chief operating office Troy Alstead said on a recent earnings call.
Our success shows in earnings per share that have grown at an average compound annual rate of 24 percent. Our operating margins have increased by more than 65 percent.
Our success shows in earnings per share that have grown at an average compound annual rate of 24 percent. Our operating margins have increased by more than 65 percent.