Zuckerberg offered her the job of chief operating officer.
Mr. Murdoch is deputy chief operating officer of News Corp.
新闻集团还持有BSkyB 39%的股份。詹姆斯·默多克是新闻集团副首席运营长。
Youku was founded in 2006 by a former chief operating officer of Sohu.
He joined Apple in 1998 and became chief operating officer in 2007.
Jobs has handed day-to-day operations to Chief Operating Officer Tim Cook.
Newly hired Chief Operating Officer Gary Moore will head up Cisco's new focus.
Prior to joining Kleiner Perkins, he was president and chief operating officer of Oracle (ORCL).
To do so, explains Joseph Healy, the chief operating officer, is in the company's best interest.
So the CEO torch has been passed to Chief Operating Officer and occasional substitute CEO Tim Cook.
Timothy d. Cook, 50, the company's chief operating officer, will run day-to-day operations, Mr. Jobs said.
BP chief operating officer Doug Suttles said even if it worked it would only halt a majority of the spill.
“This isn’t a third party, ” Elliot Ackerman, the group’s chief operating officer said. “It’s a second process.”
该政团的首席运营官艾略特 奥科曼说,“我们不是第三党,而是另一种运作方式。”
Peter Chernin, one of Hollywood’s most prominent executives, quit as president and chief operating officer of News Corp.
Amit Kapur, MySpace's chief operating officer, resigned after little more than a year in the post to set up a new company.
Peter Chernin, one of Hollywood's most prominent executives, quit as President and chief operating officer of News Corp.
Peter Chernin作为一个好莱坞最突出的管理人员之一,辞去新闻集团(News Corp)总裁和首席营运官的职务。
The chief operating officer might want to expand into Asia, but the chief marketing officer thinks the move is premature.
"People have been a bit sloppy with the word advertising," said Richard Pinder, chief operating officer of Publicis Worldwide.
“人们对口号说教式的广告已经有点意兴阑珊了,”阳狮国际的首席运营官richard Pinder说。
Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook's chief operating officer, offered a potential solution in an online video for Fast Company magazine.
在为《FastCompany》杂志所做的一段视频中,Facebook首席运营官谢乐尔•桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg)提供了一个可能的解决方法。
Baidu Chief Operating Officer Ye Peng has stepped down due to personal reasons, effective January 8, Baidu announced the same day.
百度8日宣布,该公司首席运营官叶朋因个人原因辞职。 经批准,即日起叶朋不再担任首席运营官职务。
THE world is divided into two, according to Shachindra Nath, chief operating officer of Religare Enterprises, an Indian financial firm.
ShachindraNath是印度一家名叫Religare Enterprises的金融公司的首席运营官,他认为世界将会分成两个部分。
Rich Palma, the chief operating officer for Structured Settlement, outlined the company’s position in a statement filed with the court.
SSI公司的首席运营官里奇•帕尔玛(Rich Palma)在法庭上做出了申辩。
In late June, Castro-Wright was transferred to global sourcing, and Simon, the chief operating officer for Walmart U.S., took over as CEO.
The Google vice president of global sales and operations will become chief operating officer at the social network company later this month.
But Li Ning's chief operating officer, Guo Jianxin, said he didn't think the brand would be damaged by associations with Sudanese athletes.
Illinois Governor Pat Quinn's Chief Operating Officer Jack Lavin said selling Thomson to the U.S. Bureau of Prisons would help create jobs.
And now, in an interview with the Chicago Tribune, the Golden Arches Chief Operating Officer, Don Thompson, confirms my original assumption.
而现在,在接受芝加哥论坛报采访时,麦当劳首席运营官Don Thompson证实了我最初的假想。
And now, in an interview with the Chicago Tribune, the Golden Arches Chief Operating Officer, Don Thompson, confirms my original assumption.
而现在,在接受芝加哥论坛报采访时,麦当劳首席运营官Don Thompson证实了我最初的假想。