This shields the user from the complexity of dealing directly with the operating system commands.
The entire database directory can be copied when the system is offline using operating system commands.
Which take the source code of the customer application program, and convert it to run with the new operating system commands.
The exclamation mark is an escape character that lets you issue operating system commands from either interactive input mode or batch mode.
If the input will later be used as parameters to operating system commands, scripts, and database queries, then it is essential that you do so.
The present invention relates to operating system commands, and in particular to adapting to multiple versions of operating system commands.
Device drives are programs that translate general operating system commands into specific references to hardware details that only the manufacture knows.
Calling operating system commands from within the Perl script can present the most common problem when performing Solaris to Linux migrations for several reasons.
Because Perl is flexible enough to accommodate different ways of executing operating system commands, there are many different core functions and operators used for that purpose.
Therefore, the security mechanism to run these commands is based on the operating system permissions of the files.
Each hardware part exposes its own set of commands that enables the Operating System to control and communicate with it.
In the older days of AIX, you would have modified this database using low-level commands that involved a high degree of risk to the server, where one typo could wreck the operating system.
Some commands manipulate the file system, while others query and control the operating system itself.
This "point and click" environment makes the operating system more intuitive by presenting interface options in an attractive visual layout that doesn't require knowledge of textual commands.
Without the GUI, Linux (or any operating system) requires users to type commands in a procedure that is known as the command Line Interface (CLI).
WebSphere MQ always pads values with trailing Spaces and these cause problems when passed to the operating system as commands.
The shell is what interprets the commands you type on the command line, and thus communicates with the rest of the operating system.
Be careful if you are using a UNIX or UNIX-like system other than Linux, because other operating systems provide commands called watch that are completely different.
The shell is what interprets the commands you type on the commandline, and thus communicates with the rest of the operating system.
All of the examples that will follow use OpenIndiana as the operating system (a community maintained fork of Open Solaris), so the commands and terminal interaction will reflect that environment.
将要采用的所有示例都使用OpenIndiana (OpenSolaris的社区维护分支)作为操作系统,因此,所用的命令和终端互动会反映出openindiana环境。
Solaris-specific resources, most notably operating system pathnames, system commands, and Perl modules, are often leveraged in the code.
特定Solaris资源 —最明显的操作系统路径名、系统命令和Perl模块 —通常在代码中受到影响。
Db2 UDB system commands such as db2, db2ilist, db2start, db2stop, db2iupdt, and so on, are operating system executables.
db 2udb系统命令,如db 2、db2ilist、db2start、db2stop、db 2 iupdt等,都是操作系统可执行文件。
Using the operating system: Use the nondestructive gcore command or the destructive kill -6 or kill -11 commands to produce a core file. Then, extract a heap dump from the core file using jmap
使用操作系统:使用“无害”的gcore命令或破坏性的kill -6 或 kill -11命令来生成一个内核文件。
Database backups can be performed online using system procedures, or offline using operating system copy commands.
数据库备份可以通过使用系统过程在线执行,也可以使用操作系统复制命令离线执行。恢复操作是通过连接ur l属性提供的。
We can structure the commands in our applications according to the goals of users instead of according to the needs of the operating system.
Its name can be used in commands as input (for example, a LINK command file), or it can pass commands to the operating system.
There is no operating system in traditional television, which use control commands to manage system. The digital television has more functions and tasks, so it needs the real-time system to control.
In this paper, the design principles, structure and functional features of a MMRTS operating system are described. Its system-call commands is also briefly introduced.
In this paper, the design principles, structure and functional features of a MMRTS operating system are described. Its system-call commands is also briefly introduced.