This mainly carries out exploration from an operational level.
On the operational level, the project team develops and implements the services.
And at the operational level, it researches into how to implement career management.
Performance evaluation is an important method to assess the operational level of organizations.
ANP model can help managers make comprehensive decision of vendor-selection from strategic and operational level.
Land transfer documents in the party was to be sure, but it is still lack of specific operational level, legal support.
Singapore Airlines, one of the world's most profitable carriers, also would infuse managerial expertise at an operational level.
Does the organization have process governance which helps to ensure corporate directions are realized at an operational level?
At the same time, focusing on the training of professional and technical staffs to improve their operational level is very important.
What they are overlooking is that at an operational level, the design of the two systems might process and provide information entirely differently.
Operational level in this level we mainly probe into the production and operational management of manufacturer supply chain in returned logistics.
How to implement this "simple" tool? There are lots of areas that need expertise in terms of both strategic conception level and operational level.
Many times negative reviews require action at an operational level, so it helps to have a system for sharing this information with the management team.
On the other hand, if this service does need that extreme operational level, you may need to choose a different service or set of services for your initial SOA.
To present your suggested solutions, you may organize them according to what operational level they address, or in a fashion that aligns with the client's way of organizing their issues.
On an operational level, the team has performed very well over the three RACES and did a good job during Nico's race in Malaysia to record one of the quickest pit stops of the season.
In the process of building electric charging facilities, it needs to strengthen the project management, improve the operation mechanism for electric charging facility, and improve operational level.
At the operational level, they were concerned about a status quo bias in zoning, purposeful delays in implementing zoning, and the absence of explicit evaluation of park zoning processes and outcomes.
Once we've defined goals at a conceptual level, we then examine the operational questions that must be answerable in order to determine progress towards or achievement of goals.
The level at which the assessment is performed in the operational framework is highly related to other types of assessments.
If the module detects the application is performing at or below the acceptable threshold level, the application is running as planned, ensuring operational continuity.
The USAFE WPC provides operational and tactical level training for exercises that require the use of classified data.
Effective and appropriate division of labor ensures decision-making at the right level, and routine operational support at the lowest level.
An obvious explanation for the relationship is operational gearing; companies need a certain level of sales to cover their fixed costs and once that level is reached, margins rise substantially.
Full characterization of these high-level relationships is the focus of the Operational View.
The theory casting projects as one-off operational work seems to insist upon the necessity of a guiding, management-produced, task-level master plan.
By combining it assets in composite business applications, BPM can achieve greater process-level flexibility, faster time to market, and reduced operational cost.
By combining it assets in composite business applications, BPM can achieve greater process-level flexibility, faster time to market, and reduced operational cost.