The opinion poll suggests a clean sweep for the Democrats.
Nearly three-quarters of people questioned in an opinion poll agreed with the government's decision.
A recent poll suggests some surprising changes in public opinion.
An opinion poll by the Pew foundation last year found that 54% of Americans support research using human embryos.
According to almost every opinion poll, public support for staying in the fight is dwindling across Europe.
A transatlantic opinion poll released by the German Marshall Fund of the United States shows that Europeans now have more misgivings (see chart).
美国的德国马歇尔基金会(the German Marshall Fund)公布了一份对美欧关系看法的民调,其中显示,欧洲人现在更加心存不安了(见图表)。
Every party had to take part on August 14th, but each had only one candidate, so the exercise turned into a gigantic opinion poll in which 78% of the electorate voted.
An opinion poll this week shows that more than half of all Russians do not support the reductions.
An opinion poll by the German Marshall Fund, in November, suggested that a majority of Americans and Europeans regard migration as a problem, not as an opportunity.
The opinion poll also revealed that the cost of food is a worldwide worry with two thirds saying it is one of their top food concerns.
"It's likely that some of the women already against him were spurred into action since the remark was so harsh, but others are used to this," said Maurizio Pessato, an opinion poll expert.
But a recent opinion poll found that 73% of Kenyans still want the ICC involved.
In one opinion poll, 70% of respondents said they felt that the worst was yet to come for the economy.
No opinion poll shows the PES overtaking the centre-right European People’s Party in the European Parliament.
A Gallup opinion poll taken Monday shows 47 percent of Americans approve of the operation, while 37 percent disapprove.
Alas, Mr Cameron and Mr Osborne overestimated voters' appetite for straight talk about budget cuts; at least, that seems to be one inference they have drawn from their narrowing opinion-poll lead.
An opinion poll released this week gave Mr Karzai 45% of decided votes and Mr Abdullah 25%.
An opinion poll this month by the Lowy Institute, a Sydney-based think-tank, found 76% of people are concerned about asylum seekers coming to Australia by boat.
ECONOMIC studies of the middle classes are plentiful, but opinion-poll research is thin on the ground.
It is hard to gauge Mr Putin's popularity in a country with such tightly controlled media, but his opinion-poll ratings are impressively high.
An opinion poll confirms that, although many Russians (47%) believe that Mr Medvedev should have real power, only 22% think that he will.
Despite all the recent negative publicity, Mr Berlusconi's opinion poll ratings are still at around 35%.
But he has stood firm, and he remains popular: an opinion poll published in Le Parisien at the weekend gave him a nationwide approval rating of 57%.
In one 1972, national opinion poll, more than 10 percent of the high school boys and 20 percent of the girls said their hero was a rock superstar.
An opinion poll on July 21st found more than two-thirds agreeing Australia should cut its emissions, even if other countries did not.
The prime minister, Taro Aso, has an approval rating below 10%, according to a recent opinion poll.
最近的一项民意调查显示,日本首相麻生太郎(Taro a so)的民意支持率不到10%。
Another opinion poll, published in the El Periodico newspaper yesterday, put Zapatero's party eight percentage points behind the PP.
Another opinion poll, published in the El Periodico newspaper yesterday, put Zapatero's party eight percentage points behind the PP.