A relationship will be your main focus on December 2 the full moon in your opposite sign of Gemini.
It is found that opposite sign dislocations appear on the slip plane immediately ahead of the crack tip.
At the end of month, when Mercury moves into Scorpio, your opposite sign, there's an emphasis on the intellectual side of things.
Today, Neptune is in the much more serious and scientific opposite sign of Aquarius and has been mutually receiving Uranus in Pisces.
Single Capricorns will fare quite well, for Venus in your opposite sign of Cancer from August 1 to 25 will make your charms irresistible.
All the physical properties should be identical except for the optical rotations of the two isomers (enantiomers), which are of opposite sign.
It is no wonder that despite Pisces being an opposite sign, in terms of element, both Sagittarians and Pisceans make a deadly combination, in terms of intellect.
Tomorrow, Mercury, the planet of the mind, will enter your opposite sign, Scorpio, and will likely uncover buried concerns with your sweetheart, business associate, or child.
With many planets stacking up in Taurus, your opposite sign, you won't have firm control over how things work out, so you will have to either offer a compromise or set up a payment plan.
There will be shielding charges in the penetration layer with a exponential distribution. The shielding charge has opposite sign and equal amount to the surface induced charge caused by moving.
So susceptibility to cold symptoms is not a sign of a weakened immune system, but quite the opposite.
On the way back, further down the hill, I found a small house opposite a restaurant that had a sign on it indicating that it had been gas chamber.
In fact, this was interpreted exactly in the opposite manner.... It was interpreted not as a sign of strength but as a show of weakness.
With the Sun and Mercury now opposite your sign, you're focused on partnerships and close friends.
Because Mars is opposite your sign now it's easy to get into trouble with others, especially partners and close friends.
If you call this plus, then if you get a minus sign, you know that the velocity is in the opposite direction.
Or, you may have heard the exact opposite - that this is a sign of a dysfunctional team and leads to an Us vs. Them smell and local optimizations.
或者,你所听到的恰恰相反——他是团队不健全的标志,会导致产生我们与他们(Usvs . Them)之间的壁垒,形成局部优化。
But when it is a choice, the likelihood of choosing more time over more money - despite the widespread tendency to do the opposite - is a good sign you'll enjoy the happiness you seek.
With the Sun, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus traveling opposite your sign, you will be assertive and proactive.
Four. General Pai without any props, without practice, moments from the opposite recognize each color of the sign and points, 100% correct, stick out a mile.
Quantum chemical calculations of gossypol and thymine reveal that the net electronic charge distributions along the boldfaced line of their structural formula (Fig. 2) are just opposite in sign.
Negative matter is a hypothetical form of matter whose mass is opposite in sign to normal positive matter.
With the moon opposite your sign, it's important not to make any sudden moves. Don't overreact to something that isn't really that important.
When the initial chirp of the pulse is of same (opposite) sign as that of quintic nonlinearity coefficient, the whole chirp increases (decreases).
With Venus moving opposite your sign for a few weeks, your romantic relationship could be going through a major transformation.
Directions: We are opposite the Wellcome supermarket on Shida Rd. Just down Lane 114. Look for the red KGB sign.
Directions: We are opposite the Wellcome supermarket on Shida Rd. Just down Lane 114. Look for the red KGB sign.