Lens are made of optical glass and should be cleaned with cloth made of special materials.
Diamond grinding wheels are widely used as grinding tools in manufacturing of hard and brittle materials, such as hard alloy, engineering ceramics, optical glass, semiconductor materials, and granite.
The optical microscope and SEM were employed to analyze the damage of glass fiber during weaving and resin permeability in the course of molding of composite materials.
In one embodiment, the optical concentrator 108 is formed by materials such as plastic and glass or other appropriate materials, with a high refractive index, such as 1.4 to 1.8 or higher.
This system is the optical-collimate one, with safety glazing materials fixed on the sample glass bracket from the life-size angle that can move in horizontal and vertical ways.
The raw materials are added into a crucible for melting, then the obtained glass liquid is added into a platinum crucible for melting, clarifying and homogenizing by an optical glass fusion method.
Optical glass is made of raw materials-sand, lime, and soda of the highest purity.
Optical glass is made of raw materials-sand, lime, and soda of the highest purity.