Both sides have spoken optimistically about the talks.
I then made some groundless remarks, assessing the situation over-optimistically.
The local bank robber optimistically expects a windfall in the tens of thousands of dollars.
Percy's reports back optimistically suggested that Catholics might enjoy protection in James' England.
But he added optimistically that “the Spanish economy is in a condition to recover employment because it is strong.”
Somewhat optimistically, Mr Son has a 300-year plan for Softbank (by the end of which time he expects people to communicate by telepathy and live to 200).
Thinking optimistically, it is just possible that all this flimflam is actually a cunning plan to scuttle the shuttle once and for all.
It was one area in which I optimistically thought progress must have been made-the realm of children's films, of fantasy, slapstick, cute animals, and moral tales.
But the Alvin won't increase its maximum depth until the second stage, optimistically scheduled for 2015.
What I'd said so optimistically to the Senate Banking Committee turned out to be true. After those first awful weeks, America's households and businesses recovered.
First, higher personal-saving rates and (more optimistically) a lower federal deficit will hold down long-term interest rates and the cost of capital.
Optimistically, you might assume that all of the applications will follow the cooperative locking sequence.
Mother, do you know? I know life is a long long journey and before me, there are difficulties and challenges, but I will deal with it confidently and optimistically!
Legal arguments focused on an unwieldy inter-creditor agreement, which Mr Ackman's group optimistically claimed gave him the right to oppose foreclosure.
While it's tempting to try and avoid failure, people who do this fail far more often than those who optimistically focus on their goals.
Some says pessimistically, born to died; yet some says optimistically, we can develop lives extent myself, though unable to control lives length.
Perhaps I should express its meaning optimistically: that is, a portion of us - also including me - will get a promotion.
When they opened them, the carriage was just drawing up at the side door of the Plaza Hotel, where Kugelmass had optimistically reserved a suite earlier in the day.
The fact that a report showing the highest unemployment rate in more than a quarter-century was embraced optimistically testified to the stark fears over the economy in recent months.
When data conflicts between the prepared transaction and the execution transactions occur, A2SC allows the execution transactions to access the locked data optimistically in a controlled manner.
Others optimistically argue that Brasilia may still become a great city, in a century or so.
Jeff: if the handicapped are able to live optimistically, we healthy people should live an even better life.
It's better to live optimistically than to burden yourself with unnecessary problems.
He tells himself optimistically.
But I want to end optimistically, so yes, passion and passivity can come together - the day Arthur's barge floats down Nantah Lake.
This article analyses the reasons causing false news, puts forward some methods to solve this problem, and prospects the development of the reality of online news optimistically.
This article analyses the reasons causing false news, puts forward some methods to solve this problem, and prospects the development of the reality of online news optimistically.