Whether you are reading a blog, your favorite magazine or a good book, you can learn and become more knowledgeable as you read.
You can do an activity you enjoy or that relaxes you, maybe you can read a good book or learn a new hobby and even spend time with your pet and that could make a difference.
On the way home at night, I relax with a good book or chat with friends or even have a game of bridge.
We analyticals would rather spend time alone with a good book or movie than with people.
Good illustrations or photographs can capture a child's interest, and often encourage them to want to read the book in order to understand what the interesting pictures are about.
Whether it's tweets, a Stephen King novel, book reviews of a Stephen King novel, or Stephen King tweeting about book reviews of his novel, it's all good.
Drink a glass of wine, coffee, or tea, read a good book, or watch a good movie. Look at old photographs and reminisce.
This sofa will react to your various needs whatever it is relax in front of the fireplace or just enjoy a good book or music.
If you want to enjoy a good digital book, newspaper or magazine (yes, even a magazine) an e-book reader is a smart choice.
Copying a book cover or a business card or a Mayo label isn't good taste, it's copying.
So, select a special journal book to use, find or go buy a great pen that feels good in your hand, and start writing.
Go to the museum, see a movie, read a good book, or take up oil painting (or some other hobby).
Forget milky drinks, hot water bottles or curling up with a good book.
The “decision engine”, to use the company’s term, does a good job of helping people choose a new camera or book a holiday.
被Microsoft公司称为“决策引擎”的符合很好的帮助消 费者选择了一台新的数码相机,或者预定了一个休假。
The good news is that talking to a woman the right way is a learned skill. And just like reading a book or riding a snowboard anyone can learn how to talk to a woman the right way.
Maybe you could be a good writer - maybe even good enough to write a book or articles in a newspaper - but you might not know it until you write a paper for your English class.
Like any good action movie or book, a game needs to hook the player immediately, keep them interested and finish with a bang.
A writer will labor hard and long on an article or book, and often the writer USES many of the same strategies that a good reader USES.
Occasionally we catch a glimpse of grace in a good book or movie, but we need a way to understand it.
If invited to a Dutch home bring a box of good quality chocolates, a potted plant, a book, or flowers to the hostess.
Maybe it won't be anything big, perhaps a tip, a lead, a resource, some information, a book with good ideas, or something similar.
You should enjoy life's simple pleasures, such as reading a good book, listening to your favorite music, or spending time with close friends.
A good word, sentence, paragraph could be in the book excerpt on the circle, or draw down.
A good word, sentence, paragraph could be in the book excerpt on the circle, or draw down.