Run before you get home.If you can't run in the morning or at lunch, at least try to run before you get home from work.
Whether you'd like a great value-for-money lunch or a relaxed evening meal at a fantastic restaurant, this is the place for you.
Ful medames, another Near Eastern food at step five in the codex process, is made from fava beans and can be served at breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Try to not have lunch at your desk, but instead spend time outside or with you friends—not talking about work.
Try to not have lunch at your desk, but instead spend time outside or with your friends—not talking about work.
Believe it or not, that's exactly what world leaders did at a lunch held by the United Nations in 2015.
Sam, however, didn't know anyone or anything, like where to sit or with whom to sit at lunch.
At other companies, employees go to the gardens on their own time — lunch hours, before or after work.
If you asked this person to drop something at HR on the way to lunch, he or she would refuse.
Q. What about your gym membership, which is pricey but enables you to work out at lunch or in the early morning, often the only free time you have?
Those friendships struck up over lunch or at the evening parties can last a lifetime and pay off over time, particularly when evaluating new technologies.
Questions like what exactly is private equity or investment banking have been answered by complete strangers who sat next to me at dinner or lunch.
The lunch can be at a near-by restaurant, in the company cafeteria, or in the CEO's office.
Research shows that when you eat your daily protein and fat at breakfast or lunch, you tend to lose weight and have more energy.
Lunch, at the McDonald's next to her office in Oak Brook, Illinois, is usually a grilled chicken sandwich or a cheeseburger, with a few French fries and iced tea.
The lunch (or dinners, as they turned out to be) were instead held in both years, at Weschler's request, in Omaha.
provide school food programmes to increase the availability of healthy food in schools (e.g. breakfast, lunch and/or snacks at reduced price);
I found myself in a large room, where people were sitting at lunch or supper around small tables, as is the custom, I am told, at parties in the houses of our nobility and gentry.
Their lunch often takes place at desk and may repeatedly be interrupted by business calls, and dinner is sometimes cancelled because of extra work or weight issue.
During your coffee breaks or lunch, you can stay in complete control of your PC at home.
This is partly due to a thought process in which people believe - incorrectly - that if they don't eat breakfast, they can eat more at lunch or dinner.
The nutritional standards, already in force in primary schools, require a school lunch to contain at least one portion of vegetable or salad and a portion of fruit.
And so I pulled away and avoided being alone with her by sitting with a group of our friends at lunch or busying myself with after-school activities.
He adds, 'Keep it light and fun at first,' getting to know each other at lunch or group outings, a strategy that enabled him and Ms. Walters to learn a lot about each other before they started dating.
When you get home, you might want a hot meal instead of that sandwich and salad you had at lunch, or just for a change of pace.
"Perhaps this means earning a paycheck at your current job while conducting interviews over your lunch break or doing volunteer work on the weekend that might lead to a paid gig," she says.
"Perhaps this means earning a paycheck at your current job while conducting interviews over your lunch break or doing volunteer work on the weekend that might lead to a paid gig," she says.