When you have FOMO, you might fear that others are having more fun or excitement than you do.
Someday, when we are happy, we cheer up in our small world, enjoying the happiness or excitement;
Whether looking for culture, sightseeing or excitement, Hotel Valley Ho is an ideal destination for fun adventures.
So what is wrong with these creators and humans that desire to fill themselves so and do so through possessions or excitement?
People who lie react differently when they lie so there is no set pattern. They can feel afraid, guilt or excitement while lying, it really depends on the person.
Although you might begin training to read more with excitement or enthusiasm, these can quickly disappear if you don't devise a method of rewarding or motivating yourself.
Not only did you find out much more about a country than when traveling by train or plane, but there was that element of excitement about where you would finish up that night.
To Americans, polite conversationalists empathize by displaying expressions of excitement or disgust, shock or sadness.
And as the news was relayed throughout the country no one could rein in his or her excitement as they reeled from the joy of success.
For the uneducated, the world is an intolerably dull and slow-moving place by comparison with the excitement available at the press of a button or the flick of a switch.
Having nice possessions, such as a car, house or a boat. These indicate wealth, excitement and power, all of which are attractive.
After all, feelings of joy, excitement, compassion, or optimism usually don't affect others in a negative way.
To win a job or assignment you may have to convey a sense of excitement or promise to increase the decision-makers' confidence in your abilities.
Offset the red with a cool white or toasty brown to play against the heat of the red to create balance and provide excitement and comfort within the kitchen.
So, when suspecting there might be a breakup soon, it feels much better to be swept up in the excitement of a new person rather than tolerating feelings of sadness, loneliness or guilt.
‘Without the biggest home, or the fastest car then it doesn’t give you that same excitement as it would have.
The place was silent now, but I could imagine the shouts of excitement as each bone—125 of them in all—peeked out from the earth or later emerged from its plaster jacket in the museum.
You can also talk about your sense of excitement or anticipation by saying I can’t wait . . . / I can’t wait . . . e.g.
你还可以这样来谈论你期待或者激动的心情:Ican’twait .
If you can't think of anything, consider those events you reacted to in others with excitement, even jealousy. You might like to consider the following categories as a memory-jogger or just for ideas.
If it can't generate renewed excitement with its user experience, perhaps Android's growing popularity could (in conjunction with BlackBerry services running on top or inside).
When you check the mail and find a real letter or package from someone youknow, excitement overtakes you as you tear into this rare gift.
The intrigue and excitement about watching a weekly sitcom or hour-long drama makes it seem as if the week passes more quickly.
Is it a great idea, a lack of fulfillment in your current job, the excitement of taking a risk or the fear of not taking one?
There are ushers at every corner to smooth your way, a welcome source of aid amid the swirl of guests in varying states of disorientation, excitement or wonder.
There are ushers at every corner to smooth your way, a welcome source of aid amid the swirl of guests in varying states of disorientation, excitement or wonder.