The organization shall determine requirements not stated by the customer but necessary for specified or intended use.
Ivory tower assets are often provided too late to be of value to their intended audience or have far too much baggage to be of use in practice.
You can safely use them when this behavior is intended, when only a single sequential execution occurs, or when parallel branches rejoin before reaching a single stop node.
Intended users: Web application developers who may use one or multiple databases, including Derby.
I would also have liked to read more about designing software intended for use by many different third-party programmers — for instance, a Shared library, Web service, or platform API.
Consider a city map intended for use by visitors who may or may not speak the local language.
If you consider the information to be peripheral or incidental to the main communication, or purely intended to help applications process the main communication, use attributes.
However, due to its purpose-built nature, the entire software stack (including the operating system) is highly customized or "right-sized" for its intended use.
A code page is a mapping of Numbers to specific characters as defined by a set of characters (repertoire) intended for use in a particular locale or locales.
The netsh commands are intended for use by advanced users or administrators.
Some products may be designed or intended for use by consumers of all ages, including children 12 years old or younger, but are intended mainly for consumers older than 12 years of age.
General use products are those consumer products designed or intended primarily for consumers older than age 12.
Design validation shall ensure that devices conform to defined user needs and intended USES and shall include testing of production units under actual or simulated use conditions.
Intended use cases: Connecting to and browsing Derby or DB2 databases, creating schema objects, running and creating SQL scripts, loading and unloading tables, and Derby to DB2 migration.
适合的场景:连接和浏览derby或DB 2数据库,创建模式对象,运行和创建sql脚本,装载和卸载表,以及从derby到db2的迁移。
Now that you have a handle (no pun intended) on all the tools we've shown you, here are some ways you can use them individually or together to improve your memory monitoring.
现在您已经操作(不是双关语,handle 还有一个含义是句柄)了我们要介绍的所有工具,下面是您单独或一起使用这些工具,改进内存监控的一些方法。
When text editing on a Unix-like system, it is safer to use one of the many commands intended for use by programs such as sed, tr, gawk, or perl.
The current iteration of Git is intended primarily for use by software developers looking for alternatives to CVS or proprietary code management solutions. Git differs from CVS in a number of ways.
To communicate effectively, we must use the language of the intended market, such as English, French or Genman.
It is intended that evaluation versions placed here may be limited in capability, but not in amount or duration of use.
Conventional toilets, whether they are installed in and used in suburban homes or in hotels for use by guests, use more water than is needed for their intended purpose.
Use this checkpoint to actually see if your intended workplace humor is SAFE. To pass the SAFE test, all of these statements need to be true regarding your joke, comment, or image.
With regard to any handling of any product, buyer assumes full responsibility tor quality control, testing and determination of suitability of product for its intended application or use.
The requirements in this part of ISO 8124 apply to all toys, i. e. any product or material designed or clearly intended for use in play by children under 14 years of age.
ISO 8124此部分的要求适用于所有的玩具,例如,任何产品或设计的材料或清楚标明供14岁以下儿童玩耍时使用的物体。
A logic diagram may be more or less detailed depending on its intended use.
The information is intended to be for the use of the individual or entity named above.
Either or both approaches can be taken depending on the intended use of the measurement system and the desires of the customer.
Controls intended to be adjusted during installation or in normal use shall be provided with an indication for the direction of adjustment.
Controls intended to be adjusted during installation or in normal use shall be provided with an indication for the direction of adjustment.