Or, firms may identify (3) a market niche in which the five forces are less severe.
Some background: Most of the world's major currencies "float" against one another. That is, their relative values move up or down depending on market forces.
NARRATOR: the market forces were simply too powerful for the IMF, or any government, to contain.
But we cannot afford to wait for so-called natural market forces, or for the "blind" law of supply and demand, to correct the situation.
A currency exchange rate that is allowed to be set completely by market forces, differ from the managed floating exchange rate system regulated by the government or pegged exchange rate system.
Thee Philippine economy is ruled no longer by the tyranny of excessive regulation or of corporate monopoly but by the invigorating regime of market forces and free competition.
Denial, rationalization and reputation management enable them to carry on their unethical and often illegal activities until they are caught red-handed or exposed by correcting forces of the market.
These nutrients are then added, usually after damage has occurred in infants or overwhelming market pressure forces the issue.
Floating or Flexible exchange rate This refers to rate of exchange between one currency and others that is permitted to vary or float according to market forces.
Floating or Flexible exchange rate This refers to rate of exchange between one currency and others that is permitted to vary or float according to market forces.