Our relationship with place is no less intimate and should not be neglected, slighted, or taken for granted.
This may seem simple, but it is a process that is often taken for granted or done in an AD hoc manner.
She says that the goods and services provided by nature - like clean air, rain or fertile soils - should not be taken for granted.
But Rosa Franca is still campaigning for a police investigation, something which would have been taken for granted if she had lived in London or Paris.
Americans are more pessimistic than the Indians or Chinese, worried that their children will not enjoy the opportunities that they have taken for granted.
Lenders could charge fees for popular features now taken for granted, like the ability to "lock in" an interest rate weeks or months before taking out a loan.
Chi Xinmu (Chengdu Daily) : for a long time, it is taken for granted that a person should not let his or her name be known to others or ask for a return when he or she has done a good deed.
But most have to scrape by on "zilch" or, at most, on a fraction of what is taken for granted in the for-profit world.
How do you react when you're taken for granted, bossed around, or treated as an inferior?
Whether it's the news on TV, an object in the street or a banal landscape - which was taken for granted, now reveals its inherent ambivalence or hidden narrative.
Nothing can be taken for granted for a product. A strong or a weak marketer can succeed if they manage to create a difference.
Electricity is such a part of our everyday lives and so much taken for granted nowadays that we rarely think twice when we switch on the light or turn on the radio .
His works encourages the rediscovery of fun and an appreciation of life's simple pleasures, which are increasingly being taken for granted or forgotten in our modern 21st century society.
Now, should any letters or other documents of a compromising character be found upon him, will it not be taken for granted that all who uphold him are his accomplices?
Yet far too often you are forced to realise that when you belong to a reading generation, there is a whole web or map of references, information, knowledge that you have taken for granted;
Water one of man's most precious resources, is generally taken for granted until its use is threatened by reduced available or quality.
Water one of man's most precious resources, is generally taken for granted until its use is threatened by reduced available or quality.