Maybe you say "go", or turn on a certain song, or whatever.
If you say, what are your video side and I'm gonna have TV videos or whatever.
Give Them a Compliment: Telling your partner he or she looks beautiful or cute (or whatever terms that are appropriate for your relationship) is an easy additional way to say I love you.
That means doing whatever God asks without reservation or hesitation. You don't procrastinate and say, "I'll pray about it."
You say: "Dear iPad (or whatever), I'm considering inviting Jane to lunch at The Observatory on Thursday, what can you tell me about that?"
We have the advantage of switching from one thing to another, and you can say it's because 'I want to have kids', or' I want to spend more time with them ', or whatever.
You can meditate on a singular question until an answer comes (though some would say this is engaging your thinking mind too much), or meditate to clear their mind and accept whatever comes that day.
It's fairly easy to solve: learn how to say you don't eat meat or milk or cheese or butter in whatever language you'll be encountering.
I don't care about anyone's opinion. Whatever you say I am good or bad.
Good. Now, when the person has introduced them self - this is Mrs Smith or whatever, say: Hello Mrs Smith, how can I help you?
Sometimes you say "no" just because you don't want to do whatever it is, or because you don't feel comfortable.
This will limit the scope of the Google or Yahoo search query to just your website. You may also want to modify the value of the “Submit” text to say whatever you want.
Therefore, I say that whatever may happen to anybody, whatever colours, lights, ghosts or angels you may see, that's not it!
You say, "I wish I had more time to think, to meditate, to practise the violin" -or whatever it be.
When you create some of these overarching philosophical points about your design, say whatever you want. Also, feel free to change it to "My game design goals" or whatever you like to call it.
Women are from Venus as they say, so you will never really know whether they like men to be clean shaven, bearded, having a stubble or whatever, however we have some interesting facts for you.
Say whatever you want about its methods or politics, but the navy is an impressive organization.
But you say that if a man says to his father or mother: 'Whatever help you might otherwise have received from me is Corban' (that is, a gift devoted to God).
But you say that if a man says to his father or mother: 'Whatever help you might otherwise have received from me is Corban' (that is, a gift devoted to God).
So when we say, he says invisible things can't be destroyed, he means the things that you can't see or touch or hear or feel, whatever it is, see, touch, smell, taste.
And I knew that learning a language very well not meant you got a high mark in examination or you can recite an article fluently but meant you could say whatever you want to say in your mind.
Don't hesitate to put any code you want into the block, say saving it to a file, sending it to a server, assigning it a property of some object, or whatever.
Whatever you think, say, or do, this sense of immutable and affectionate being remains as the ever-present background of the mind.
Say, "It was nice talking to you, I'm going to get back to my friends… (or shopping, or whatever)" and as you turn away, turn back and say "Do you have email…?" etc.
Say, "It was nice talking to you, I'm going to get back to my friends… (or shopping, or whatever)" and as you turn away, turn back and say "Do you have email…?" etc.